Faster poast monkey, this fandom needs moar lulz!

Jul 17, 2007 20:49

So, after introducing a non-fandom friend to the lulz and horror that is Kooshball, it got me thinking.

"Immortality in Fickle Affection." The worst PWP in existence, possibly the worst fanfic ever. It exploits nearly every kink known to man, while simultaneously making most of us laugh so hard from the sheer WTF.

In other words, Hercules Hivemind Hydra Penis Kooshball Fic is a metaphor for the KH fandom.

Lets start first with the most stellar feature: the shark hydra peen of doom. There are many. They are the souls of brave warriors, absorbed by evil. They bite, HARD. They will not die. And god forbid you anger them, because they WILL get you.

Obviously, this is about 75% of the KH fandom. Innocuous enough... until you anger it or try to cut one of its own off (wank, anyone?) YOu will then have three more breathing down your neck, until you are surrounded by a mass of writhing monsters attempting to eat you.

So, if the penis hydra is the fanbrats, that would then make us, the sane half of the fandom, Sephiroth. Some of us succumb to evil (penisification), while others can overcome it. Most of us are generally ticked off beyond words when the rest of the fandom decides to take a piss on us.

But Ryune, you ask, what about the unbirthing, the vore, the Herc ripping off Cloud's balls? What about THAT!?

Simple. This fandom is full of so much WTF that the metaphor should be obvious.

actually,I'm just too lazy and scared to expand the metaphor. Any other takers?

But, even in my root-beer addled brain, it makes sense. the KH fandom is a giant hydra penis kooshball.

sporking, famous offenders

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