Out of pure curiosity (and craving for goodfic)

Jul 11, 2007 07:25

If I'm posting in the wrong place, let me know, and I'll juggle posts around to make it right.

So: members of KHFFR. I know the accounts of some of you, over on the pit - so far, every story I've read by a member of this comm has been good. But is there a comprehensive list of KHFFR's fanfic accounts?

So, calling a shout-out: post the link to your KH fanfic uploading place. I'll compile a list for us all, as a big reference. Heck, if you have a DeviantArt, I'll put links on there for that, too.

Edit: Oh yeah, RK Ryune on FFN and Kitsune-Ryune on DA if anyone is interested.


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