Something that's been bugging me

Jun 12, 2007 09:51

Dear fandom-

I can totally understand the love for Organization XIII. They're 13 12 of the most awesome villians in all of the fictional universe. You'd be hard-pressed to play through the entire KH series and not like at least ONE of them (especially Roxas).

Read the comments

So explain something to me. How is it that you can be SO TTLY IN LOVE!!1! with O13, and have such unbridled, burning hatred for SORA?!

I'm sick to death of the stuff on DA that depict Xigbar stabbing Sora, or Sora being maimed and mutilated by various Org. members, all because "OMG HOW DARE SORA KILL THE ORGANIZATION!?!?!?"

How about, um, Sora is good and the Organization was bad and YOU KIND OF HAD TO TO BEAT THE GAME.

Seriously, if you hated Sora THAT much, why the hell were you playing it in the first place? How on earth are you in this fandom if you hate the main character THAT much?

And if you stopped playing the instant an Org. member died, then you qualify as a Fan Brat That Didn't Play the Game and therefore fail. OUT OF MY FANDOM.

Which brings me to point two.

Gore is fine, if that's what you like. But really, do you have to be so... delighted with it? Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is not a good role model, chilluns, and I question your sanity and how much of a danger to yourself and society you are every time you draw Sora being mutilated and then say "OMG THIS SO SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED." just... ugh.

I really hope fanbrats like these grow up someday and look back on their fanbratism with shame.

xigbar, sora, organization

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