Have a kink and want to put it into a fic?

May 27, 2007 22:04

Well, make sure of the following:

1. Get a beta that either likes the same kink as you, or is at least open-minded.

2. If you are afraid people will bash your otherwise great fic because of the kink in it, place it on a website that is centered around the kink. For example, put vore fics on a site that centers around vore.

3.If someone says they are disgusted by the fic because of the kink, say "I understand how disgusted you are about _____, but I like it and wrote it for people who enjoy _____."

4. If all else fails, make all the characters furries, and place it on sites that host furry fiction. Trust me, no fur is going to bash you for your kink.


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