OOC AU+ Awesome plot and writing= goodfic or badfic?

May 07, 2007 17:14

Who else has had this experience- you find an AU fic that looks like it could be awesome and indeed it is; the plot is great, it respects the rules of grammar and doesn't fall into any of the annoying fanbrat notions (Kairi is mean and evil, Sora is a moron, Riku is a sex god, etc). But there's one problem. . .

The characters are completely OOC.

Often the OOC is not neccessarily in their speech, but in their actions. For example, I read one fic where Larxene still behaved appropriately bitchy and was even violent at times, but she would act out in defense of others, which is thoroughly un-Larxene.

Does this make it badfic? Is it still goodfic in spite of the OOCness? Or does it fall somewhere inbetween?


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