pretty as a car crash

Jan 10, 2007 20:08

dear friend,

alright, i'll admit it. i'm a sucker for nice reviews; everytime you say you like my stuff, i start to like you just a little bit more. and hey, after pm-ing back and forth for the past few months, i must say that you're a pretty cool kid.

however, this does not mean that i'll immediately love your ooc, axel!wank of a fic, even if it ( Read more... )

weeping, ooc, axel

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Re: ok here comes the sucky apology xsyntheticsmile January 12 2007, 14:21:43 UTC
;___; oh dear, posting this won't ruin your reputation; certainly not. in fact, many of us have already been featured on here for pulling off all sorts of junk.

ex: mitsukaii was here for being confusing; i was here for writing popular sues; zanisha got keeled for seeming elitist.

some of the best writers on the damn site have been ranted about; and it's mostly because they're so amazing. i mean, it's not like they suck; don't get me wrong. it's just that we're disappointed. we know this fandom and the writers we rant about can do so much better, and we hate to see all that potential go to waste.

{though, this might just be me; so i shouldn't go around speaking for the community. but still, that's how i feel about it).

&yeah, don't give up, whatever you do. i'll keelj00 if you do. .__. i know what it feels like to be attacked and i know it hurts, but dear, never stop doing anything you love because other people tell you to. you're still an amazing writer and really, the story itself wasn't bad. just the axel oocness and that's all. but axel's a hard character to master anyway and like i said, i commend your efforts. but please please please don't give up.

you can't expect people to always like your stories. you'll only get hurt that way. &i dunno. take me & ninja for example. if she writes something ooc, i'll tell her and vice versa. we're not trying to ruin each other; we're just trying to help. and yeah, okay, i should have just told you instead of PMing and ranting about it, but i was pissed that day and i can do some pretty heartless things when i'm pissed.

.. er, well, back to the point: one fic does not a good writer make. i used to write mary sues, did you know that? and even though the sucked, i kept to it and now i get weekly PMs from random kids telling me to update. you can't base your entire writing life on a few bad reviews and most of the people here were only joking about your fic because the situation was snrkable. and yeah, the mods are probably going to get pissed at me for spamming, but they can shove it for now.

i guess what i'm trying to say is: don't give up, whatever you do. i'd hate to see you go and just because i don't like your kaixel doesn't mean i don't like your writing. please, think about it.



Re: ok here comes the sucky apology acronymed January 15 2007, 05:03:03 UTC
this is going to seem retarded, but me and 'nisha went looking for that rant on you or whatever out of curiosity and we can't find it. it's going to haunt us until we die, because we have low attention spans and can't search properly through the archives, so uh... help?

& uhm, SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU WRITTEN SUES? yeah, kthxilu. ♥


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