Horror. And not in the way its supposed to be.

Nov 19, 2006 00:03

KH Horror fiction, we need to have a chat.

Okay, so I'm in the mood for some KH-themed horror after writing some of my own; such a thing usually happens. So, tra la la, I go hopping over to FF.net [first mistake], pop in on the KH section, and set the filter to horror. The first thing I see is this:

Vampires want, and when vampires want, vampires get. Particularly if the vampire is after a man of the cloth. XemSeph yaoi lime and vampirism.

Huh, I think to myself. Man of the cloth? Well, Xemnas does know how to pontificate like the most verbous preacher, and Sephiroth's got the enigmatic evil charm of the most prolific bloodsucker. So, I take a look. And find Priest Sephiroth.


But, hey! Maybe it's not so bad! Xemnas can pull of Vampirism easily enough, what with his inhuman nature, and I'm sure Sephiroth would love belting out a few over-zealous sermons of his own! He's your typical crazy preacher, right?


He's nice.

And when I read this passage?: "The priest fought back a blush; he could see every curve of the man’s body." Something is CLEARLY wrong.

Sephiroth does not blush. He does not moon like a 12-year-old girl. He is not virginally innocent and he is MOST CERTAINLY NOT A WEEPY UKE EVER. pogjPGJPgGH8!!!!! I refuse to look at the powerful, eight-foot-long sword wielding, darkness preaching, one-winged Angel of Death who has no doubt slain thousands with his swords. Including me. 50 times. In THIRTY SECONDS FLAT.

I just....GAAAAH!

And to make it WORSE, the next fic has an OC Submission form as the first chapter. Not IN the first chapter. AS the first chapter. And the titles are written like this: HoPeFuL dReAmS.

All this, with a side of Suicidal-Hayner, Riku torturing Sora horribly for chosing Kairi instead of him, and Sora bolting to join the Organization which is spontaneously back together? My head hurts D:

ooc, xemnas, organization

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