In dire need of assistance.

Oct 20, 2006 19:19

So, I finally decided to get off my lazy bum and work on the second instalment in my series. With Organization XIII as the entire cast (although the story mainly focuses on Demyx, Marluxia, and eventually Xaldin), I've hit a few snags.

What would the members refer to each other as and, more importantly, how would they address Xemnas? I mean, for the most part it is easy.

Marluxia (being the loveable bastard that he is) seems to be the type to alternate between a member's name and their number, depending on his mood at the time. For some reason, I also get the feeling that he would call Roxas a brat, though I'm still trying to figure that one out. But would he call Xemnas the Superior or just his name?

Demyx, on the other hand, seems to be the type to avoid conflict with other members to the best of his ability. In my opinion, he would be more respectful to a majority of the members, particularly the older ones.

But what about everyone else?

Any help on this would be very much appreciated, as would any tips on characterization for the members (particularly Xaldin).


request, organization

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