Variation People, Variation!

Oct 18, 2006 21:08

I swear if I hear 'Got it Memorized' one more time, Axel will light someone on fire under my command; no suethors, terribly sorry, but that is not something easy to accomplish.

Commit it to Memory, as great of a line as that is, is not the only other variation. Be creative! Come up with something new; twist the line, use synonyms... I don't know! Do something, else! GAH!

King Mickey, why? We have not done you wrong! It's them that hates your almighty kingdom! Them I tell you!

*is going stark-raving mad with line abuse/OOCness/character bastardization from all of her fandoms*

Rant brought to you by lack of sleep, and an easily irritable personality.


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