(no subject)

May 30, 2006 22:38

Well, I guess I'm (over)due for an update.

I really don't have much to say about my life...as usual. I don't know if it is because I don't find my life to be overly interesting; or, if it is because some part of me just doesn't like sharing what happens in my personal life. Keep your personal life personal, right?

Of course, that's hard to say when I believe wholeheartedly in the value of friendship and that friends should be open and honest with each other. *shrug* I guess I don't update out of sheer laziness, more than anything else! *l*

Truth be told, there is a legitimate why I haven't been online as much as I said I would be or why I haven't posted in so long...Amanda and I had a bit of a misunderstanding where me being on the computer is concerned. Mainly, she got angry because I was on the computer almost every night for a week. So, in an effort to appease her, I didn't touch my computer for the best part of a month--and only occasionaly since.

I really wasn't spending that much time online either. I was working on a project that is very important to get done since someone else is counting on me doing so. When we first moved in, I didn't touch my computer until we got internet hooked up. Then I asked her if she'd be ok with me approaching this project as a part time job...16-20 hours a week. She was fully supportive...but when it came down to it, it was just too stressful on both of us. She was having to take care of both kids and do most of the house work. Not only was that not fair, but it left us no time with eachother since we were both keeping ourselves busy in different ways.

So, I didn't go online for a while. Eventually, she began encouraging me to get back on the computer every once in a while so I could work a little more on that project...but the first time I did, she got angry at me for not helping her with the laundry (in my defense I thought she was crocheting a blanket for her friend's new baby's baptism). Once I realized that she needed help, I jumped right up and started hauling laundry to the laundry to the laundry room and sorting it, etc. By that time, though, the damage had been done. She was avoiding me and later told me that my helping seemed "too little, too late."

Finally we sat down and a little talk and worked everything out. I think a lot of it has had to do with adjusting to the other's patterns and stresses from other areas of our lives playing themselves out at home. That and she was on some pretty shaky meds.

But, now she's off the off the meds, and everything has been going great! She has said that she'd been amazed at how the kids and I have taken to each other. Aiden can't say my name (the closest he can manage sounds something like, "la-ul") so he's settled on calling me "Da!" It's not that big of shock, really...I was expecting it, in fact, since I've been around regularly since he was first born. Emma has been a little tougher: she's an extrememly head-strong 5 year old and a complete Daddy's Girl to boot. Her life is entirely focused on her dad (Amanda and I would love to go just ONE DAY without hearing about him!!! *lol*). So, she tests...a lot.

The first two months were really bad, as far as Emma's testing goes. But one night my frustration boiled over. I didn't get angry and I was in complete complete control...but it was the same kind of control I have when acting Domestics for my Dad...basically, I scared the hell out of her (and Amanda and Aiden and probably everyone within 3 miles). Not that I hit her or even spanked her, I was just, as Amanda said, "very intimidating." I felt--and feel--pretty bad about it, but it completely changed our relationship (Emma and I). Emma doesn't test me any more and Amanda has said that it seems like Emma has a lot of respect for me now.

We had a lot of fun this evening. Amanda was weeding the garden and I was mowing the lawn while Aiden was helping his mom and Emma was enjoying the swing set we have in the back yard. The lawn mower ended up dying (I think either the spark plug or a clogged carburator) so I hooked up the hose and starting watering plants. Well, to make a long story short, by the time we went inside all four of us were soaking wet!! Nothing like a water fight on nice day.

Aiden has been waking up early lately...very early. He has always been really good about sleeping soundly until at least 7:30 or so; but, for the last couple nights, he's been getting up anywhere between 5:15 and 6:00. Neither Amanda nor I are morning people, so obviously it doesn't go over very well. It worked out well tonight because the water fight kept us outside an hour past his bedtime and he didn't end up going to bed for another 45 minutes...so hopefully he'll sleep in a little later. Although, I fear a big part of him waking up earlier is the early sunrise..so going to bed later may not do the trick. But, we can hope right?

In all, I'd have to say that things have been exceptionally well for the last month or more. Work is a headache...but when isn't it?

I'll cut it short here...save some of your the anguish of staring at the monitor for too long ;-)

Have a nice one and see you around!

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