Feb 26, 2006 17:56
Ok, so I'm only a week and half late...oops.
Basically, here's what I've been doing: Work, Unpacking (a never ending process, and I still have to get my books unpacked), and dealing with sick kids. Really, its the sick kids that have kept me from being online as much as I'd like. Now that I think about it, it's not just the kids...at one point all four of us were sick. I was joking around that our house should be quarantined!
Aiden has bronchitis (not fun with anyone...even worse with a 17 month old), Emma had a cold and now has a nasty ear infection, Amanda and I have both been fighting colds. It's going around, what can I say?
I am loving my connection though. I've been on a few nights, just haven't posted here. For those who are used to seeing me on one messenger or another I'll tell you right now, AIM is the only one I have installed, and I think it may be the only I will install. I only talk to about two people on Yahoo and when I've been on I rarely, if ever, see them (plus Yahoo seems to install a bunch of other junk that I don't feel like dealing with); and no one is ever on ICQ any more. If you think otherwise, let me know, I may be willing to make exceptions. :-)
So, yeah, with my new 3 Mbps cable I'm doing things I've never done before...like download stuff *l* Speaking of which, Vel-chan, I'm LOVIN' "Bleach" !!!
But yeah, that's about it. I'll see ya'll around.