anyone still there?

Oct 22, 2007 11:29

Ok, raise you're hand if you're reading this. I want to know who's out there, but I'm too cheap to offer swag like

I might try to get back in the habit of posting here again (I did so well for longer than I initially thought I'd last). The event that's triggering this is that I'm planning on participating in NaNoWriMo this year. Is anyone else out there going to give it a shot this year? If so, let me know so I can set you as a friend on that account. I suspect I'll need plenty of encouragement. Anyway, I'm planning on recording my progress here on my blog. Hopefully the public nature of it will help encourage me to stick with it.

I've been doing some amount of planning over the last month so that I have a decent idea of what I plan to write during the month. Over the next couple weeks as I continue to nail things down, I'll post here so you can follow along. For now, I'll just say that I'll be writing a story with the working title of "Dawm Go'el", which is the transliteration of the ancient Hebrew term that is translated "Blood Avenger". This will be a post-apocalyptic setting that gauntman and I came up with. It's partially inspired by David Gemmel's "Jerusalem Man" books (part of his Stones.of Power series).

Let's see, what else has been going on...

My Greek studies are continuing at a slow but steady pace.

My wife and I got sufficiently hooked on Guitar Hero (I borrowed it from a friend for a week while my folks were in town) that we ended up buying a PlayStation 2. Instead of buying GH2, we decided to preorder GH3 since it was so close to coming out. To pass the time until then, I picked up some other games that we've been playing and enjoying. Fortunately, I have a friend here at work with a number of PS2 games who has been willing to loan them to me so we can try them out. I'm really enjoying paying only $10-$35 for games instead of the usual $45-$55. I think I'll get more play time out of the PS2 than I did my old XBox...

Other than that, life has been... busy... but then everyone's life is busy, so I guess that's not really news. More posts to follow...

writing, computer games, ramble

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