Miwo (Hate U, Love U)

Apr 09, 2011 22:50

Title : Miwo (Hate U, Love U) [chappie 11]
Pairing : Jongkey, Minkey, sibling!Taekey, ontae
Rating : PG-15 [may change]
Genre : angst,romance,drama
Words count : 2008
Summary : Jonghyun left Gwiboon 4 years ago. But what will happen when Jonghyun suddenly waltz back to her life when she already has a new boyfriend and a great life?
Chappie : prologue - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

“Key, I should go home..” Jonghyun still tried to struggle to get free from her
“No, you’re not going home..” She started to move closer to him and settled on his lap, pushing her hips down. She started to caress his cheek and moved her arms to his neck, circling it.
“You don’t want to do this, you’re drunk..”
She didn’t listen to him and kissed him roughly, causing him to fell backwards on her bed.
“I know what I want, Jjong” She said huskily and returned to attack his lips again, her eyes were already filled in lust, he could see it
“Key.. Please…”
“You want this too, I know”
He’s a man with needs too, and with this girl hovering above him, he didn’t want to deny anymore that he wanted her. He wanted to savor her, marking her and made her shouted his name, so he decided to just enjoy the party. Slowly moans, groans, gasps and other sounds you could imagine started to fill her room, and it’s getting louder as the time passed.

Taemin was in his room, he sat on his bed, biting his nails. He felt so fail as a brother. He had promised to himself to take care of her and when he started to hear sounds that coming from her sister’s room, he wanted to cry. He knew what was going there. He also felt how Minho would feel if he’s right there. Betrayal, jealousy, anger, all mixed, it’s not that he didn’t happy that she could finally be with Jonghyun again after years of waiting, and it’s not that he jealous of Jonghyun because he loved her, it’s just he knew what she did was wrong, it’s really wrong.

He couldn’t sleep yet he didn’t want to stay awake and heard all of those moans coming from Gwiboon. It happened for an hour or so, but the sounds from her room hadn’t stopped. Taemin grabbed the phone that was on his desk and pressed Minho’s number, he looked at the screen with a familiar number on it, but he didn’t press the call button. He wanted to tell Minho to come over and saw what his girlfriend did behind his back, but he didn’t want to break the trust Gwiboon had planted on him.
He was almost crying, he didn’t want to feel all of those unpleasant feelings by himself, he didn’t want to hear all of those sinful sounds, he tried to bury his head in his pillows, put on his headphones, but it didn’t work. He didn’t know what Jonghyun did to her that could make her moaning that loud. His last plan was gone out of the house, but it was 2 in the morning and he was underage. He was sure God must hate him at that time.
Around 3 a.m, finally the sounds stopped and he could fell asleep.


Gwiboon woke up the next morning with a terrible headache, she was rubbing her temple slowly when she realized that a pair of muscular arms was around her waist, hugging her lovingly.
“Shit!” She lifted her cover only to see her naked body. She had goosebumps, she really didn’t remember anything about last night and when she turned her head to see who was the owner of the arms, Jonghyun was sleeping peacefully beside her.
She quickly got off the bed, as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake Jonghyun up. She picked her clothes on the floor and slipped it through her head and quitted the room in rush. She headed to Taemin’s room.

“Tae.. Wake up..” She squatted beside Taemin’s bed and tapped his arm lightly.
“Hmm…” Taemin groaned, it hadn’t been 3 hours since he slept, yeah, thanks to her
“Tae…” She tried again
“What?” Taemin rubbed his eyes and slowly sat in his bed
“I… What happened?”
“Huh?” He was still half-asleep
“What happened to me last night?” She asked, her face showed that she was afraid of what Taemin could say next
“You’re making babies with Kim Jonghyun last night” Taemin answered sleepily. She froze, eyes widen and her breath hitched. She stayed quiet for a minute before Taemin asked her again,
“You don’t remember anything?”
“No way..” Her lips trembled
“You were drunk last night.. Jonghyun brought you here”
“Why he ended up at my bed?”
“You asked him to do that with you..”
“No.. That can’t be..”
“I’m not lying. You already kissing him when I opened the front door, and when he was about to leave, you stopped him and shooed me out of your room and yeah, you fucked him.. Or you’re the one who was being fucked. I don’t want to know..”
“You were loud, you know? I swear I could hear your voices from my room.. And you…” Taemin stopped because she started crying
“Did I really do that?” She asked him as she kept sobbing
“You were drunk..” Taemin said slowly, he didn’t want to comfort her actually, regarding what she had done before, but with her state, he felt pity for her and she was still his sister, it’s impossible for him to do ungraceful things towards her.
“Why you didn’t stop me?”
“You yelled on me..”
“I.. I don’t know…” Her tears fell down more
Taemin scooted closer to her and hugged her, patting her back tenderly
“Tae, what should I do?” her voice sounded so desperate, “How if Minho knows about this?”
“I…” He stopped, he didn’t want to say this, but she looked so vulnerable at that time, “I won’t tell Minho hyung. I promise..”
“Tae.. I’m sorry..” She couldn’t say anything else, she sobbed on her brother’s chest and he only stroked her hair.
Gwiboon didn’t go back to her room, he stayed with Taemin and share what she wanted to share to him. And at 8 a.m Taemin went to his school, but she didn’t go to work. How can she go to work if Jonghyun was still sleeping on her bed?


It was already past 10 in the morning when Jonghyun walked out of Gwiboon’s room. She was sitting in the living room with her laptop on her lap.
“I made you breakfast. Do you want to eat here?” She said but her eyes were still on the screen
“Y-yeah..” He answered awkwardly, “Where’s the toilet?”
“That way” She pointed to the left and Jonghyun walked there.

He was sitting on her dining chair, eating a plate of pasta with Gwiboon sitting on the chair in front of him, she didn’t speak and just looked at him with an unreadable gaze
“Jonghyun, I’m sorry..” She spoke after Jonghyun had finished half of his pasta
“You don’t have to” He answered simply, and she was a bit shocked hearing his answer
“But.. I… I am..” She tried to find proper words, but her mind was not cooperating well with her that time
“Did you say your true feelings yesterday?” Jonghyun asked, slowly lifting his face to saw her
“Cause I want to believe it. I want to believe everything you said yesterday..” He kept eating, but she knew that he was talking seriously
“I.. I didn’t even know what I said to you yesterday. I just..” She took a breath, “I knew I said I want you back..”
“I believe in that”
“Jjong..” She looked at his eyes closely
“I still love you, Gwiboon..”
“I.. I do love you too.. But, you know I’m… With someone else right now..” She said the last sentence slowly, her voice was faded bit by bit, and she bit her lips afterwards
“I don’t care”
“I don’t want to lose you again. Once is enough for me..”
“How can you say you’re okay when I date other man? You’re not like.. Yourself..”
“I don’t want to leave you again, I don’t want to be with another girl except you. You can use me, you can date him, I don’t care, as long as you allow me to be with you” He ate the last bite of his food and put down the spoon, he kept looking at her while she just kept looking into his plate. She took a breath and stood up, taking his empty plate and walked to the sink. She put the empty plate there and she let out a deep breath,
“Are you serious?” She asked with a shaky voice, “Are you sure you’re okay if I still date Minho? That means… I am cheating on him right?”
She was surprised when Jonghyun suddenly hugged her from behind, his hands were circling her waist and he put his head on her shoulder.

It felt like déjà vu to her, Minho had done the same thing to her, but the feelings of being on Jonghyun’s arms were different from Minho. She always felt so safe in Minho’s arm, like he could protect her no matter how hard the situation was, and Jonghyun was the man that could make her heart fluttered, like a Prince Charming but she couldn’t choose one of them, she loved both of the men.
“If you don’t want any relationship between us, it’s okay. As long as I can be by your side” He whispered softly on her ears
“Are you sure you want this?”


Taemin has just finished his school that day, usually he would directly go home, but that day he didn’t feel like going home directly because he had the feelings that Jonghyun was still in his apartment. It wasn’t that he hated Jonghyun. He admitted Jonghyun is cool, handsome and charming, but he just didn’t want to see him at that moment.
So, Taemin just waited until his dance class started at 4 p.m, he wanted to talk with Eunsook. She maybe had a clumsy outer appearance, but inside, she was really warm and that what made Taemin fell for her.

“Minnie~ How’s your day? Your eye bags seem getting worse.. Did you sleep well last night?” Eunsook said happily when she entered the practice room and immediately sat beside Taemin, he was stretching himself on the floor.
“Umm.. No.. I only slept for 3 hours last night” He answered honestly
“Did you study for test? Don’t push yourself too hard..” She said as she opened her bag and searched for her shirt.
“Yeah.. Kinda”
“I’ll change my clothes, okay?” She smiled and Taemin just nodded.

“Noona, Is it possible for a girl to love 2 men at the same time?” Taemin asked when she was already sitting beside him, stretching together.
“Umm.. Like when you’re dating a man and your ex-lover comes back to you and wanted to make-up with you” He said slowly, making sure that she understood well what he was talking about
“So, you’re asking whether I will choose the current man or the ex, like that?”
He shook his head, “Can that girl possibly love both of the man?”
“It depends on the girl.. And why are you asking this?”
“Promise me you won’t ask anything funny, okay?” She just nodded, “It’s just about my sister”
He took a breath, “I don’t want to be nosey or something like that, but I just don’t want her to choose the wrong way. I love her, I don’t want to see her boyfriend hates her because she’s looking for another man behind his back”
“It’s called cheating, right?”
“I know. But she still love her ex-boyfriend”
“It’s difficult, you know? In the end she should choose one of them”
“I don’t want she chooses the wrong man” That time Eunsook could see how big his love for his sister was. He was a really great man, she thought. It was so rare in this era to find a brother like that.
“You should talk to her” She put her hand on Taemin’s shoulder
“I tried, but she..” He couldn’t finish his sentence because Eunsook cut him
“Just do what you think is right” And she showed him her smile.

Note : sorry for the late update :( now it's 11pm  here, and i just got home from my friend's birthday party.. i'm so tired -,-

fanfic, taemin/eunsook, taemin, gwiboon, jonghyun, chaptered, #miwo, eunsook, jonghyun/gwiboon

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