So ...
On Sunday, I woke up with a wonky throat, which, no big deal, right? It'll clear itself up. It was really, really mild.
On Monday, it turned into a cough. I made it all the way through my first class and about halfway through my second before giving up. And I felt pretty lame about that, since, apart from the sore throat and the cough, there was nothing wrong with me.
Tuesday, I figured it was allergies. We'd been having a thaw, and the last time I was coughing like this, I went to a doctor, and he was all, "ALLERGIES!" I was all, "NO WAY!" And he was all, "YES WAY." So, there's totally nothing wrong with me at all. I don't have a fever. I'm not sick. Just coughCOUGHCOUGHcough. I canceled my evening class.
Wednesday, during my office hour, I was helping a kid out when my voice just gave up. No more voice! I canceled my evening class.
And I said to myself, "Self. If you're going to be canceling classes, you should at least find out what's wrong with you." So, despite the fact that I didn't feel bad at all (except for coughCOUGHCOUGHcough and not being able to talk), I took myself off to a doctor.
When I got to the doctor, I was all, "ooo, it looks busy, maybe I should just go home, I don't feel that bad...." But eventually, I talked myself into going inside.
Which is good, because well ... I had a 102 degree fever. (Boy was I surprised! I was all, "NO!" And the nurse was all, "YES! WE WILL DO STREP TEST NOW." As it turns out, I don't have strep, and the doctor said that apart from the fever and the throat stuff, I am very healthy.)
So now I have antibiotics and some nice cough syrup with codine and instructions to take tylenol until the fever breaks.*
On to the part of my story where I am a lucky kitty!
So, so, you know how I don't feel bad at all, except for coughCOUGHCOUGHcough and not being able to talk? Except for running a mad fever at night? So I don't feel bad at all right now! And I have TWO CLASSES today! And I can TOTALLY go in and teach them!
Which is maybe not such a hot plan, but I haaaaaaaaate canceling classes. Hate hate hate. Means I have to schedule make up sessions and it's a big mess. I'd rather do almost anything than cancel a class. So now that I have all of this delicious medicine running through my system, I can TOTALLY go in and teach two classes, right?
The especially lucky part is that school closed at noon. And they posted this around 10:30. HEY, GUESS WHEN I USUALLY LEAVE TO GO INTO WORK! Yeah, 10:30! So I'm playing hookey on my 11:00 office hour, but other than that, I am the luckiest kitty ever.
*I am also lucky to have a roommate, because I am a big idiot who, when presented with scientific evidence will frequently disregard it. "I don't have a fever! That's crazy talk!" So I didn't pick up anything for fevers when I was at the pharmacy. Fortunately, Flasheart was so ready for this. I came home all, "Here is my awesome cough syrup! I don't have a fever! That's crazy talk! Why is it cold here? I am freezing. I am just going to lie down under these blankets for a minute...."
And then I was given toast and tylenol and sent to bed. It was awesome. I feel much better now!