Choco Choco Puffs bribe Spinnach for fun!

Sep 19, 2002 09:16

Weee, back finally. Miss me? Probably not, but we all need a break from each other now and then anyway i guess. Oh well, anyway. Here's the "long" ass stupid story of my week away from the computer life, so to speak.

My dad bought me a digi cam, usb card for the cam, and a new cd rom since my old one broke. I had been waiting forever for the friggin package to arrive. The PO was being a bunghole. Anyway, i won't get into that annoying aspect of the story. Long story short, Saturday i finally got the package and whatnot. Dan ditched out on coming over to help me install it like he promised >: | cause i suck at hardware, so i did it myself.

Saturday - After I got that package and shit and dan cancelled on coming over to help me install it. I got offline and shut the comp off to do it myself. I got the usb card in, got the cd rom in fine, and everything was looking good. Then i ran into probs with drivers. It was being a whore with not finding drivers. So anyway, about 3 hours later i finally finish, the cam is working, usb is fine, cd rom works. Everything's looking good. Now i take some pics and go to go back online. Earthlink now says my name and pass are invalid blah blah blah. Net is gone.

This leads into monday. Monday net still gone, but i'm on comp. I installed the 128mb ram. It worked and i was up to 192mb ram. I was all woooooo. So i go to load kof98. I load it, it finishes loading, gets to starting and instead of starting it just black screens. I reboot. I check device managers and i have an error with (I don't remember exactly what it was but it was something like) PCI Bus Master Controller something or another, Primary Harddisk controller, secondary harddisk controller. Those 3 had errors. So i right click on primary and it takes forever to load the properties. Then the screen starts glitching. Then i get a blue screen saying cannot right to drive C:. Then it tells me to reboot. so i do so and now it loads up and goes.

Detecting Primary HDD Slave Driver . . . None

I was like "wtf?????"


Hard Disk Read Failure

Insert System Disk to boot system

I was like "!!!!!!!" and was rummaging through boxes to find my floppy disks and shit.

The comp read that D and C drives were deader than shit. Only A floppy drive it read. I through in my win98 disks, my dos disks, etc. It all did nothing. So i was fucked. My comp went kaboom.

Then yesterday katie called. We talked for a bit and she mentioned that it might be the wire plugging into the HDD might be loose from when i installed the CD rom and whatnot. I didn't think it was that cause the comp ran fine when i had finished installing the shit and whatnot.

But, anyway, 5am this morning (thursday) I decided to give her idea a try and looked. The wire wasn't loose, it just wasn't working at all. So i took the entire inside of my comp apart. I figured it was broken already, I couldn't even use it, so breaking it more wouldn't be much of a diff. So anyway, i took the entire fucker apart, pulled out all the wires. Played with this played with that. And finally remembered where everything went to put it back together. The wire to the HDD wasn't working, so i routed an extension on the floppy drive wire to connect to the HDD and give it power from the AC Power supply majiggy. So anyway, after a lot more bullshit of trying to put the fucker back together and whatnot, the fucker finally worked again. woo hoo for me. All my files were still intact and everything was ok.

So then after making sure everything was ok (other than the original HDD controller error crap that i had to begin with) the comp worked fine. I had uninstalled Earthlink so that i could reinstall it and hopefully try to create a new account to get back online since it wasn't recognizing my current one. The cd was being a ho though and not letting me reinstall for some gay reason. So i was fucked with the net. But, then i decided to humor myself and tried connecting to earthlink with my name and pass through dial up networking and bam it worked :D Now i'm back online weeee. Still need to fix that friggin error, and i don't know how long i'll actually be online for cause i don't know how long it'll last but at least things are working again so woo hoo.

So now i have 192mb ram :D A digital camera, a new 58x cd rom, and USB support finally. Har har. Oh and my dad bought me Tekken Tag Tournament as well >_> heh. Weee =-D

Anyway, that's enough for now. It's 9am, i've been up all night working on the damn comp and i'm tired so i will stop typing now.

Final Saying: Mamma bakes bread, and if you don't eat it, Mamma gonna knock you out.
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