Sep 10, 2006 23:31
Is today piss matt off day?!
All in one day about 4 people have pissed me off.
And thats only today, not counting yesterday
or last week.
God Damn!
I swear it's like a national holiday or something!
"piss matt of, win a prize!!!!"
Everyone seems to think that
they have it worse off than anyone.
Well guess what, NO YOU DON'T!!!!!
There are people with waaaay more problems than
you, I'm not saying im one of these people.
But that doesn't mean your not pissing me off either.
Geez, RANT RANT RANT!!!!!!!!!
This is what it all leads me to.
Writing angry journals on LJ!!!!
People suck!!!!
Is everyone PMSing?
If i was a girl, by now
i think i would have died from blood loss.
OMG, i'd make a list, but i think
i'd stab someone before i was done!!!!!!!
I'm glad i have some self control
And why does everyone take everything so god damned personal!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I can just hear someone saying "don't use god's name in vain!!"
Well....... last I heard, God wasn't his name.
No, i'm stopping, not going on a religious rant.
Don't need that right now.
Someone get me out of here for a while!!!!
Sorry, think I've lost grip on my sanity!!!!
So who elses life is sucking?