May 17, 2012 23:29
Thinking about genocide:
There often seems to be an exceptionalism which says the Holocaust was unique and somehow more evil than other genocides? To me the application of industrial methods seems more a technological factor, something which became possible but which would have been used 100 or 200 years before had it been available, and which could still be used in the future; could you say that radio broadcasts in Rwanda impelling Hutus to kill Tutsis were also specifically modern, in that this technology would not have been available 100 years earlier.
Do Holocaust deniers apply the same looking for excuses logic to those other genocides that they cite to downplay the Holocaust: The Nazis get the benefit of the doubt but the Soviets or the Chinese Communists etc. do not?
Can anyone recommend any 'objective' comparative studies of genocide? Or collections which have radically different perspectives on the topic? Was genocide possible before the word and the definition?