Fic: Dream Gliders

Oct 16, 2013 08:00

Title: Dream Gliders (Link to Story:
Author: KRKCxforever/Kidariko
Wordcount: About 27,500 words.
Gen, het or slash: Slash
Pairings, if any: XemnasxSaix, MarluxiaxVexen, XigbarxDemyx
Summary: What makes dreams? Scientist will tell you a long list explaining what your brain does to make them. Well…that’s not totally true. They are brought to us by the Dream Gliders, those who live in the realm dreams in the land above the stars. Things have been pretty much the same forever…until three Dream Gliders meet three very special humans.
Acknowledgements: A huge thanks to Crazy Foxie who even though was working on their own story they did some beautiful art for this story and who put up with me when I took forever to response to messages due to college and an illness recently hitting me.


!ficpost, -big.bang.2013

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