Jun 12, 2007 02:44
Hey. I wanna tell you something ok?! cause if I dont get this off my chest I am going to punch myself in the HEART, beacause that is the place YOU have hurt me so deeply in my bloody pumping vitals to the rest of my body...my heart.
It is 10:30 in Los Angeles and once agrain, you have hurt me, I called you, grandma and YOU did not pick up the phone. I dont understand how a grown aaaaassss woman doesnt know when that device emits a loud clangling jangling jingle that you should PICK IT the hell up, k, yet ONCE AGRAIN I am forced to scream at my grandmother because she is an old SEVERELY obtuse fossalized PAIN IN MY ASS.
This is not the first time that this has happened either and it has happened over and over and OVER agrain. I Have sat here all night and I was forced to watch crappy television. Police chase shit, dancing with people, thirty rock WAITING for yooooouuu to pick up the flipping flopping flogging telephone.
I am going to get on a plane, Im going to get on a plane and im going to come back there and i am going to whip your wrinkly ASSSSS back into shape, and i dont care if youre 97 years old, 96 years old, or if youre an old person, in that you do whatever you want despite what your mother would probably say about it if she was alive.
And I want you to know grandma...that I am EXAUSTED, playing this game with you. THIS MESSAGE IS TO TELL YOU, that you have offended and you have insulted me for the laasstt...time..
You have affronted me! for the LAAASSSTTT time..And you have abused me for the lassssstt time. you have displeased me for the LAST TIME with your boundrish crusty crap! Im coming back there and im going to fix this SHIT house and make you understand that I AM the god of things that should be done on time when they say they should be done Cause I said it and this is no Jitterbug poodle skirt wearing enchantment under the sea dance good time charley moment, oldee mcgee. THis is a new constitution and IM going to SIGN it with a pencil THAT I MAKE out of your broken bones that I pull from your ancient arms.
Yes Im flying back there THIS FRIDAY..the 20th...To BLAST YOU, with my gamma ray and then disect the pieces of those pieces and put those pieces in a pile, and then Im going to rent an A8-64 longbow apache gunship, and its going to do a flyby and its gonna spray everything its got at you, its motherload of terror to EVICERATE your already shredded CORPSE to smithereens!
And if nothing else Im going to let YOU know how dissapointed I am. That you ahve done this to me AGAIN...my grandmother. But theres nothing GRAND about this right now because you stinky shit face.....you stinky shit face they should change it from grandmother to FUCKmother, cause that is what you have done to me..not juts my day..YOU have fucked up my LIFE...my CAREER...Afterlife plans also..you have estroyed the very idea of me having ever existed on this planet, or any other by not picking up the phone when I comanded it, like Moses..or like the DJ at the disco requesting that everybody put thier hands in the air and wave them like they just dont care..but you dont even wave YOUR GOD DAMN HANDS in the air..like he asked cause you skipped to the part where ..you..just..dont..care.
And this happens..over..and over..and over...and over agrain...Do you understand me? Im going to rearange your face..and your furniture so when you come into your living room you are SOOO CONFUSED AND SO DISORIENTED that you sit on the GOD DAMN ARMOIR and put your cup of tea on the thing with the thing...and i want you to know that when I get into your aging face..what a rude..moldy mumbling little DEVILlike citizen you are. Youre rude..Not just a pig..but you are also the wolf that comes to eat the pig and in doing so RUINES thier homes AND industry . And you..YOU ...you..you...you do this to me and im going to straighten your jondased Rumatoid artritis hands and feet out...DO YOU HEAR ME GRANDMA?