Cleric's Mitts

Sep 01, 2008 14:40

I got these a few weeks ago. I essentially had one of the biggest asthma attacks ever over a macro piece, hahaha. I was groping around desperately for my inhaler after I saw it appear in the treasure pool and I could barely type..... :x How many years of waiting is that?!

Now if only i could acquire a cleric's briault. This update better freaking up the drop rates decently... Ugh.. sad that it's mainly one stupid virtual item that has consumed my life and that I won't even get it til people with more points who probably just wanna throw it in storage do. Just a game, just a game...

Other than dynamis I have not had much reason to log in. Well, other than my superbestfriends of course. University is already time consuming albeit boring. I could rant here but that's saved for my real lj. It's so bad. Words can't even begin to describe :x I feel like I made the worst last minute decision of my life to go here instead of the other uni. Now i'm stuck in the middle of nowhere... with people who aren't like me yay!

('-'*) ps hi myinre i'll send your postcard soon

school, asthma, whm, dynamis

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