Weekend Update

Mar 08, 2009 20:31

We had a grand weekend. We met up with many lovely people at Fidel's on Friday night, then we went out to dinner with rivet and rikan_feral. We did not, alas go to see the Watchmen movie with them, because as we were leaving the Satay Kingdom, we saw Brian, Mike and Sheri, husband, college buddy and Mother-in-law of luminel. We decided to hang with them and make sure everyone was doing OK.

Saturday started out on a down note, as vandals had thrown a rock through the rear window of our van. We got the window shop to wrap it up with plastic, then we were able to get the trailer and meet pombagira for her move. Much help was provided by pinkiepoopoo, snottygrrl, edm and ferrouswheel. There was much stair climbing, but everything got moved.

In the evening, danjite and I went without the boy to the Jackson Street Fiesta, which was very cool. We ran into many friends there, and we danced to Batcuda. Twice.

Not surprisingly, we woke up this morning with sore legs, but we didn't let that slow us down. We did the necessary stuff with the laundry and the groceries, then we were off to the Newtown Faire. It was nice, and there was Batcuda, but I liked the Jackson Street one better.

Now we are spending a relaxing evening together curing meat.

Hope your weekend rocked, too.
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