As I have said before, because I work the night shift I usually tape programs that air while I'm asleep, to watch after work, so I only just got around to last night's "Tonight Show". One of the bits they did was called "Famous Dates and the Next Day", in which Jay listed certain things that happened throughout history, and the little known things that followed the next day. For example, the day after the Wright brothers' flight at Kittyhawk, Orville supposedly suggested they charge passengers $25 per bag for their luggage.
What they claim happened April 9, 1971 -- the day after Starbucks opened the first store -- was that they opened five more stores on the same block. The ( blatantly Photoshopped ) picture they showed, however, wasn't of Pike Place Market ( location of the first Starbucks ), but of
Powells bookstore, something I couldn't help but recognize even past all the faked Starbucks signs. Now obviously even when you Photoshop a picture that thoroughly you have to start with something; I just thought it was weird that they should choose that one as their canvas. I mean, they're based in L.A., surely there are hundreds of locations there they could have used, since there wasn't much of the original left after they manipulated it -- though clearly enough for me to instantly know what it really was. ( Now that I look a little farther, I think the original is the same one that's on the
Wikipedia page for Powells. )
Maybe somebody in Jay's graphic design department is from Portland...