And then there was industry!

Dec 24, 2012 15:02

Tis the Holiday season and my first one alone in a very long time, except, I won't be alone! My friends are taking me in this Holiday and that's a very nice feeling. Himself never cared for Christmas but he usually humored me. No more Himself. :-( BUMMER!

So I have been industrious these last few days. Custom dictates I shall not go empty handed. So I dusted off the cook books and found some of my old favorite cookie recipes. My hosts will not suffer from a lack of cookies. Molasses cookies were requested and await delivery, as were the old fashioned sugar cookies. I even tried a cookie I'd never heard of before- Anise Seed Borrachio cookies. !! YUM !! Only tried a small batch but they are well worth making lots more! I'll take a few and see how they're received. The Shortbread recipe I used needs help. I need to find an older version for a better cookie. I realize that sounds odd but, honest, many of the older recipes just work better and use fewer "new and improved' ingredients. Fannie Farmer, here I come.

With the activity stirred up by the cookie making, the old house cleaning urge kicked in and the laundry got done early, the dishes are all done and things generally got picked up and put away. With the help of 'Polish Stitcher' we got poor Hemi a dose of hydration several times this week. It was gorgeous on Sunday so I even got in a nice, brisk walk and caught some vitamin D. So now I'm down to the wire and only have cookies to pack up for dinner to night. I will be chore free - except maybe a few dishes tomorrow - until Wednesday. YAY! relaxin' time!!!

Currently the cats are doing well, Hemi and Munch continue their special diets and (hopefully) Hemi has only another 4 or 5 doses of hydration therapy. This morning found me at the Chiropractor's and he tells me I am doing VERY WELL! I have been feeling better - much better - so I'm happy with that. Look out world - I'm alive and kickin'!!

Hmmmmm... just looked out the window. It's snowing. Not sticking yet and hopefully it will just melt and ooze into the soil. They promised us fog this morning but it didn't happen. They are also calling for rain and/or a "wintry mix" this evening but I'm hoping for just rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be nicer and I hope that pans out because I have a much longer drive to my other friends home for Christmas. It's also mostly on 2 lane, winding, hilly set of country roads, so I really would like dry roads for the trip - both ways. We shall see. Fingers crossed.

Just checked's starting to stick on cold things. Better bring in the mail and check on which cats are still outside. I see my neighbors are being even more industrious - they're out spreading fertilizer on their fields. Farming never stops.

May your Holidays - whatever you celebrate - be wonderful!
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