Another day. Actually, two, and some anticipation.

Oct 28, 2020 01:29

So I started this on Tuesday, and fell asleep in the middle. Completed it today, with a sucktastic ending. I'd say my life is a farce, but this entire fucking year is a farce. If only it will end.

So, Tuesday, I:

  1. Woke up at 5am. Realized I was hungry. Didn't want to get up, ate some sunflower seeds I keep on the bedside table for that purpose.
  2. Pill alarm woke me at 8. Realized I was hungry and that, despite how tired I felt, was unlikely to fall asleep again.
  3. Stood up (knees ok), went into hobby room and grabbed an eggroll from the fridge, and while eating it
  4. turned on kettle
  5. went to get my morning pills and my mug from my room
  6. went back to the hobby room to put my mug by the tea and
  7. realized i was still carrying bag with the other 2 egg rolls in it. Put it back in fridge.
  8. squeezed yesterday's teabags into rest of yesterday's tea (gasp! Sacrilege! STALE TEA!), put teabags
    into compost bowl, tea into mug.
  9. Realized still had some gypsy cold care tea left from yesterday, drank it all.
  10. got out vita tea (last bag - oh right, i ordered more yesterday), gypsy cold care teabag, and stared
    at tea selection. No, don't want more scotch breakfast, no cinnmon stick box, don't want china breakfast, plain no, golden chai no. guess it's constant comment.
  11. set up the teabags, kettle says 175, my knees aren't going to stand here and stare at it.
  12. I'm out of egg roll. Stare into fridge, nope, no brain, grab second eggroll.
  13. Sat down, eating eggroll. Opened 2 bills, notated envelopes, tea kettle goes beep.
  14. Stood up (knees ok...) Water into teapot, gcc mug, vita mug... no water to warm up tea from yesterday. Nope, no patience for doing the walk into bathroom, get brita, walk into hobby room, fill kettle, walk into bathroom, refill brita, dance. Cold tea it is.
  15. Sit back down, solitaire while I finished egg roll
  16. Then thought of writing this down. yay? something vaguely more ?useful?productive?acceptable? than solitaire.
  17. oh. i oculd have nuked my tea warm. doh.
  18. right, take pills.
  19. fuss with email a bit. oh gods, even traditional medicinals is on the pumpkin spice kick.
  20. (a moment for facepalm. sigh. discord beeps, check it out. bicker about politics for a few sentences)
  21. finished opening all the mail, sorted bills into 'due by' date.
  22. Finally, opened ledger (that I had actually brought over to the table, along with the checkbook, yesterday), grabbed the envelopes of coupon pays from tucked into front cover, and make sure I have everything.
  23. ..... looked at it all, decided I didn't want to stand up again and go find another check register right now. Spent about 2 hours watching Overly Sarcastic Productions videos (dionysus, hermes, don quixote, The Lancer) while playing solitaire. (2 hours ish)
  24. Took a deep breath and turned back to the bills. Stood up (knees ok?), found a check register in hte bill box in the storage room, grabbed 2 aspirin from my room, Grabbed a different mug of tea.
  25. Walked around the table to put my tea down after swallowing the aspirin, realize I need the toilet.
  26. Spent some time in the bathroom playing sudoku while my body did its thing
  27. did the refill the kettle dance
  28. killed what might have been a roach on my countertop (FUCK)
  29. grabbed 2 plums from the fridge and 3 chocolate bars (Nibmor brand,17g bars, one plain dark, one with cherries, one with blueberries) andsat down again to do bills.

This was written Wednesday:

So then I actually did the bills, with various thigns on youtube, mostly stuff from Britain about the royalty (Real Royalty, I think, is the name of the channel. It has interesting things, but also very boring things.) I finished all the house bills around 5pm, and then by 7 I felt like I was falling asleep. I told the kids to just bring up dinner when it was ready, and I'd eat it when I woke. I went and laid down, but the activity of dinner being delivered to me didn't wake me. I woke up around 3am, just long enough to see the time. I woke at 4:30ish, ate the food left to me, and don't rememeber falling asleep again but woke at 6:45 for the toilet. Realized I'd never taken my midnight pills, figured the way I was going, the 8am pill alarm would wake me and I'd just take morning pills. I woke up at 11:45am with a headache.

I've now eaten the last eggroll, 2 plums, 2 cheese sticks. and most of my morning pills. I"ve found more evidence of the squirrel visiting the bathroom (that is apparently no longer visiting the rest of the house, unless it's pushing the door closed again behind it (which doesn't latch, alas)), and even tho I'm sitting in direct sunlight in the hobby room, I can't get warm. So I'm off to my bedroomden again, to wrap up in sweaterrobe and sit in the cradle office chair. maybe it will help alleviate the too-cool+headache and I might even wake up.


To end: I didn't fall asleep. I think I took a migraine pill at some point earlier, tho I don't recall. Younger Kid showed up about 2:30 pm, to grab the bills and mail them. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to ask for for 4pm food, so I let him go off to do that. I also took the other migraine med about this time. Shortly after, I finally thought of something from the convenience store, called his phone, but he was home already (and hadn't told me. :( ) So I asked for 1 grilled cheeze sandwich and some tomato soup, in which I had Too Many Crackers. And took my pills.

I don't even know what I've done this evening. I've poked at mail a bit, I read twitter a little, I watched a couple of Overly Sarcastic vids, Dinner was brought up around 9pm. Ate half of it, put the rest in the fridge, and shortly after 11pm I was using a plastic toothpick around the base of my teeth and popped a filling out.

So now I shouldn't eat anything before seeing a dentist, which means tomorrow is going to be LOVELY. I also need to make an appointment to go to a bank and get a form ?authorized? not notarized, it has to be a bank thing, I don't get it, but it's what I was told was needed by some ?investment? thing that my (deceased in 2004) mother had money in my name in, and I thought I had put it in my name but maybe this is another? The person on the phone (last week or so) told me they couldn't tell me how much it was, but that it was under the limit of having the bank do the thing with it, which is 100k. Which is useful knowledge, and also slightly disappointing. I mean, one frequently imagines that suddenly found accounts are worth bajillions of cash, right?

Sending this off, might record my adventures tomorrow. Whee.

I must say, the ambient election dread is not playing well with my 'the last quarter of the year is shit'. This entry was originally posted at You can comment here, or there using OpenID. There are
comments there. Hopefully this is doing the right thing.

sleep, dentist, adulting, knees, food, bills, pain, teeth

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