The 31st was my Father In Law's 90th birthday party. It was a nice party - I sat in another room so various people offering me condolences wasn't stepping on everyone chatting to him. Learned that one of the cousins had lost his wife later in December, and we commisserated about things. MyMoneyGuy was there (as he's been my FIL's Money Guy for circa 30 years...) and had me sign some forms, and we chatted a bit about accounts and other random non-money shit. Got to take home some leftovers, and didn't get to talk to my sister in law about plans for interring Otter.
The 2nd, I received the 401k checks - one for me, one for the IRA.
The 4th, I got the certified receipt that TIAA-CREF had gotten the paperwork on the 1st. (I didn't ask how they received it on Sunday.)
The 6th, I received mail from TIAA-CREF saying they were paying things out. But no checks. So I called them, and found out that they consider that each person has multiple accounts, that I'd be getting a check from each of these accounts, and they'd be sending a check from each account directly to the address for the company managing the IRA, and that they'd been mailed already.
Most of that week, I didn't have bills or anything to take care of, so I played WoW all day and all weekend.
The 9th, I was told there was no mail, so I signed the 401k check check so R could go deposit it. When she got home, she told me there was suddenly lots of mail, so I came down here to process it. Among other things, it turned out the TIAA-CREF checks had come to me over the weekend. So I texted MyFinanceGuy, who had offered to come over to my has to take in hand the checks for the accounts he's dealing with (having my opinion as to "you're entrusting HOW MUCH money to the vagaries of the USPS?????"). He arranged to come over today to take it.
After dinner, I tried on a bunch of the clothing I had purchased from Roaman's and the affiliated companies. I had gotten things that I hadn't already gotten, so I wanted to see how they worked on my body. I'm returning some of them outright, because while the size is right, the fit isn't - sits weird around my shoulders, looks like a sack, etc. I'll be exchanging others for a different size, if possible, or color in some cases. It might not be possible because most of these items were on clearance.
Apparently, trying on 2 coats, 1 zip up hoodie, 5 shirts, and a "lounger" was more than my arms/shoulders could handle. My midnight meds didn't stop the increasing pain; the Embeda I think helped me fall asleep, but it was very restless, and I don't know how much I slept. The kids woke me up about an hour before MyFinanceGuy was supposed to show up, at which point I put on a shoulder-shaped heating pack with a damp washcloth under it, and basically stayed with it on (including dozing off in the chair) till about a half hour ago.
MyMoneyGuy showed up on time (yay!), having more paperwork for me to sign. He also explained better where and how the monthly money I'll be getting will work, which is reassuring.
Last week, the company that R had set up to come give an estimate on the roof appeared exceedingly flaky, in that they had called her to tell them they were running late, and would be there around 11am. When she went to the front door at 10:30 to see what the weather was like, their business card with "you weren't home!" was already stuck to the door. Bzzzzt.
Tomorrow we have another appointment for a roof estimate, and I intend to be down here to talk to them also. And in the process of clearing my "office-y detritus" from around my computer so there was enough room for me and MyMoneyGuy to poke at papers, we found one of those 'comes in the mail' (?ValuePak?) coupons for a roofer, so we'll be checking them out also.
After MyMoneyGuy left, I called the New Cobra people again, who seem to agree that this is upgefukt, and want me to fill out the form from the other company, amend it so that it says what I want it to say, and somehow scan it (taking a photo with my phone is good) and email it to them, and they can get moving on it, and it will count as being in time.
I also called the Car Insurance People, as the renewal mail came yesterday, to ask why I didn't get any money back from my husband suddenly being no longer on our policy (which runs 6 months at a time, with renewal in May and November). Apparently, because he was not in a risk class at all, his insurance didn't cost anything over and above the base price for insuring a car. I smell bullshit, but don't have the energy to chase it. The person also found it odd that, having been sent the questionnaire about C's Good Student Discount, and not having returned it, the system did not automatically remove that discount from our renewal. He said he'd poke at that, and call me in a week to let me know if this price is right or not.
The kids went out to our now-hopefully-weekly dinner with my Father In Law; with the spaciness from the meds and the lingering achiness I didn't want to change my clothing to go out, so I stayed home, which is when I made those two phone calls. I opened up a browser to come type about it, and next thing I knew I was leaning back in the chair, mostly asleep, with the cat on my chest. I think it was 10:50 pm when I finally woke up, had some food, talked to the kids, and wrote this.
I don't think I got anything done on my previous lists, so I didn't put it in bullet points.
Off to my room, soon, there to decide if I feel good enough to poke at WoW or just take another High End Pain Pill and go to bed.
Have fun, y'all.
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