Today, I:

Jan 17, 2018 09:45

    Today, I:
  • Woke at 7:43; ate some leftover food in my room, took my 8am pills, went downstairs carrying pills, phone, and more leftover food from my room.
  • Drained the teapot into a cup, and made fresh tea.
  • Moved things around in the kitchen - not so much cleaning as arranging things to be cleaned.
  • Nibbled on more leftover food, while neatening the table so I could use it. This involved frequent walking back and forth into the kitchen to throw handfuls of things away.
  • Went through some of the piles, creating ... heaps. (note, this is a computer science data structure conceptual difference.)
  • Called Life Insurance Company Again. Left another message, mentioning that this was the second call, when I had called before, and my phone number.
  • Called the town tax assessors office to see about appointment to change things in to my name. Talked to (didn't get name). Assessor left early today, will be in 9a-3p next two days. Interesting convo, person who answered got a non-answer when she asked about same thing.
  • Gave up on trying to use the second monitor for dinign room machine. Wrote a note to be taped to it, had C remove it to computer part storage in basement.
  • Called PSEG, confirmed up to date.
  • Called RUFCU branch manager Heather, left message about making an appointment to come down with paperwork about accounts. FIND L8 FORM!!!!! (note: Can be downloaded from )
  • Called Bank America card to check that payment cleared. It did, next due March 1st (because the one I paid counted against the bill I got in January, that was due Feb 1st.) Doh. Called back cause I forgot to ask for the late fee to be removed, which they did. Only $27, but hey, every little bit counts.
  • Called back PSEG to ask to remove late fee. CSR claimed they don't charge late fees on residential accounts. o.O I never noticed.
  • Called Verizon, confirmed up to date, got late fees removed, and moved it all over into my name. (still need to fuss with setting up the account, but can't do that till it all finishes processing through the system, which apparently takes 48 hours wtf.) This was a relatively long call, with a very patient person named Michael, who figured out a way to go back and find something he had read to me at the start of changing things over, so that I could take notes and be sure to understand about pin and password adn hard reset and etc.
  • Made the appointment with the RUFCU person to deal with those accounts, after a bit of phone tag where each barely missed picking up the phone for the other.
  • Also, sometime after Noon, talked to R about the various containers needed, ref below.

After the long call to Verizon it was my 4pm pill time, so I ate some absolutely nummy veggie soup that R made. And then I lost all interest in continuing further, and so went back up to my room to do more pleasant activities. Which may end up being sleep.

I'll note that I went to bed almost immediately after going up to my room after dealing with DMV yesterday, so yeah, 12 freaking hours of sleep.

    To Do Tomorrow 20180118
  • call tax assessor office 9a-3p Barbara 9087692906
  • Call mike the lawyer about the north bergen house deed.
  • Find out if I called Meryll Lynch about angus gone, come to me?

    To Do SOON!
  • Cannot do until make payment! Waiting on Life Insurance. Call Mortgage, ask for late fee to be removed.
  • Fill out forms for 401k
    To Do Later
  • Read in detail, and evaluate, life insurance mail from credit union BY JAN 25
  • read in detail, evaluate, car/home insurance offer from AAA
  • JANUARY 23rd: Call old trash service AGAIN adn make sure account is CANCELLED.
  • Get onto Otter's computer and look for the file he left me.
  • Deposit checks received (2017-12-22: 1 to date.)
  • Figure out what to do about cpap machines (company emailed back, saying donate or whatever) (in process)
  • Find out wtf to do about the argument with the insurance and the roof

Talk to R about:

    Things I need:
  • Container for current month bills before they are paid. R picked up a mail sorter thingie.
  • Container for medical records current year, bills and other
  • Container for paid bills, current year.
  • Container for record keeping, current year
  • Container for medical records specifically for past years.
  • Containers for record-keeping for past years, to hold paid bills and record keeping.
  • Container for tax info papers for current year
  • Container for tax info papers bundled by year for past years.
  • Container for my frustration and sanity.

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task-tracking, adulting, death-dealing

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