New Phone for R - looking for opinions.

Jan 27, 2017 23:37

I've decided I like having a phone bought outright, rather than paying for a contract that amortizes the cost of 'free upgrades'. R needs a phone - we believe her dumbphone has been lost in the last 2 days, and the iphone 4 she was handed down has gone flaky. I was looking at (where I got Otter's samsung (no, not the asplodey type)) and they have 4 iphones currently available, refurbished/scratch&dent. The 6 and 6s are outside of our price range; the 16gb 5c is ~100, the 16g 5s is ~150. From what we saw on the web, supposedly the insides are the same; it's the outside case that's different, the C being plastic and the S being aluminum.

Does anyone have anything positive or negative to say about that specific difference? I'm wondering if the plastic vs metal has any effect on durability of the device, from the point of view of 'box of electronic bits that will be mildly tossed around'. If the innards are the same, I can't think of anything else that the case difference would effect.


Woot doesn't have any other phones listed in their electronics section. If they had android phones, I'd be looking at those, also. R prefers an iphone, but is willing to have an android phone. All of the phones work on our carrier.

r, phone, money, buy,

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