ˌəp-ˈdāt II

Jun 01, 2010 14:28

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

Memorial Day Weekend kinda sucked. The only highlight was driving, obviously. Apparently SatNav only works by voice recognition. Which is a problem, because i'm not very talkative.

Yesterday i attended a coworkers' grill out @ their place. It was okay. Though, Scott isn't a very social creature. Two obscure games were employed to keep us occupied. One was called, "beer bottle pole game" where the object was to knock a carefully balanced beer bottle off the opposing teams' pole with a Frisbee, whilst utilizing only one hand to catch either the Frisbee, beer bottle, or both. The other was simply called, "bags" where the point system fails me completely. Imagine, if you will, two opposing planks of wood roughly 4' x 2' with a hole near the top, angled at roughly 15 degrees, placed roughly some distance apart. From what i could gather, it's a cross between bowling & pool but with tossing a total of 8 dual colored bean bags. Each team gets a color & 4 chances to earn points. Once each player had exhausted their turn, the bean bags were looked over as a fortune-teller would examine tea leaves to determine the score. Occasionally someone would call out 'goose egg' but i don't know what that meant. I played a bit, sat around till 8pm then left.

Oh, yeah. Both my sister & i have reserved tickets to Top Gear, doubling our chances for success. We'll know by the 23rd if we're going or not. Otherwise, Denver will just have to do.
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