Some of you have already seen via twitter, BUT...
Yesterday, one of my coworkers outed me as a porn writer. To my Boss (not even dept manager boss, whom I think already knows. But my Store Director boss).
Apparently, I blushed. And he, being the quirky, amusing sort in general (in his 40s; he's a Brit and has his mobile ring tone set to the James Bond theme, seriously), looks at me and goes "Aww, pumpkin! Why are you blushing?" And I, of course, cannot think of an immediate response (seriously, first thought is "I am going to kill T for this"). So he, with this giant grin, goes "it's what makes the world go 'round! Well, and money. Yeah. Sex, money, and food!"
At this point, my brain has switched into a mode that allows me to cope with this new development, and I respond with "I guess I'm just not used to this being a work-acceptable conversation topic." And his response? "Well, now, that depends entirely on your work environment, doesn't it? I mean, HERE..." [insert even bigger grin and his gesturing to the whole store with wide arms].
So. Yeah. Thumbs up on the porn-writing from my Boss.
Also, this is soooooo T's fault. Because we were discussing porn, and the fact that I write it (this is... er... actually not so much of a secret, as it happens. I'm pretty sure all of my department knows. I know A and C are well-aware, and I think J knows, and a former coworker (L) definitely knew (she also was awesome. Had vintage spanking fetish photos framed and on her wall. Girl had some of the BEST games to play when it was slow, too. She's actually the one who heard I primarily write Harry/Draco, thought about it a moment, and said "you know, I could totally see hot hate!sex happening there!"). I know at least C and L know that the porn is generally fanfic, too). And instead of doing what most people would do when the Boss wanders by, and not only lowering voices--if not just pausing the conversation entirely--when the Boss asks what we're discussing, T flat-out tells him porn. And that I write it.
The REASON we were discussing it is because T has asked to READ some of my porn.
So this is where I come to you all for assistance.
Which of my smutty fics should I give him to read?
He's okay with both Inception (which he's seen), and HP (has seen the films, but not read the books). If the man HAS squicks, I have not identified them. He is okay with any kink I have written (seriously, I even found myself explaining Parseltongue!kink). He has no preference for pwp vs plot before the smut, nor does he have a preference for length (he said he would be equally happy with 5 pages, or 500). His only stipulation is that girls cannot be involved in the sexytimes. Given my body of work, this does not exactly narrow it down much.
If any of you have any suggestions as to which fics I should give him, please comment? My
LJ master list is here , though it's a bit outdated. My
Dreamwidth master list is here, which at least includes links to the original postings of fics not linked to on my LJ version (LJ has already eaten half this entry once. It has not let me edit that damned post in MONTHS). There are also newer fics on
my AO3 page, which aren't listed on either of my main master lists. It is even possible there are fics that do not appear on ANY of those three, so if you can think of any, please let me know.
Really, if you have suggestions, I thank you in advance. Serious, serious hugs and smooches (and spankings, if you want them) from me. Or maybe I can get one of the boys on that.
And now, I go back to trying to write an additional 10k+ on this fic, within the next 3 days. And also work, within the next 2 hours.
Also, sometime AFTER I get this fest fic done, there will be fics/ficlets from Suits fandom, plus some other fandoms. And pimping of the new
suits_exchange comm, now that we have awesome banners, and sign-ups start soon. Also, I might actually get around to replying to comments from forever ago (I've read them, guys, and appreciate them; RL just hasn't given me much in the way of time to respond to them). Also, updates on RL things, including husband's cousin (who, in brief, is recovering well).