Happy Birthday To Me (because you all rock)

May 09, 2011 00:46

Wow. You guys are awesome!

Have a bunch of thank yous, so here we go!

LJ Stuff:
dysonrules  bought me icon space!
enchanted_jae  bought me icon space!
leo_draconis  sent me a chocolate torte!
ldydark1  sent me a cupcake!
nenne  sent me a bottle of champagne!
jtsbbsps_dk  sent me a chocolate cupcake!
kjp_013  sent me a tinfoil hat!
veritas03  sent me a Faberge egg!

brinimc  drew me this adorable Harry/Draco banner
bleedforyou1  wrote me Waiting For You (Ron/Hermione, PG)
failed_mission  made me this lovely Draco/Neville banner
enchanted_jae  wrote Topping Dessert (Harry/Draco, NC-17)

--kitty_fic  found me a photo of a Gir cupcake! (Squee!)
--maja_li  made me a powerpoint slideshow/story about Tom Hardy and his Super Power (seriously, there was hysterical giggling. Husband asked WTF was wrong with me). (would totally link this, if it was online)
--mathnerd  posted me 2 boxes of tea and an electric kettle, which arrived a couple of days ago
--Thank you to nursedarry , groolover , kayoko , brissygirl , veritas03 , lijahlover , blossomdreams , talekayler , deirdre_aithne , moon_foot , thepretender501 , susan5124 , arineat , uniquepov , branquignole , misbehavingmom , altogetherisi , fadedbluejeans , arkeiryn , lisaheron , humaazul , alisanne , vanessawolfie , garmonbozia89 , and situationgirl , who sent birthday greetings via LJ, Twitter, and/or Facebook (hee, one of you used all three!)--or in one case, the phone!
--And an extra special thank you to those of you who rec'd my fics on frayach 's rec request post! I actually did squee. In the breakroom. At work. (Also, LOLd at groolover  and dysonrules , who got in some teasing re: my as-yet-unposted smoochfest fic for the upcoming fest)

There was a brief period where things...went severely downhill, and omg, thank you to those who gave love and snuggles and handed me punching bags and threatened to deliver beat-downs.

RL birthday was REALLY low-key. No presents (didn't expect them, so there's no disappointment there), except for the one from Mathsie. I worked (I'd actually requested TO work, because...well...complicated stuff with my mother, and the way past/recent birthdays have gone). Coworkers were awesome. Didn't hear from 2 friends (and one parent) I really rather thought I would, but I'll live. Family was...well, let's not get into that now. This is a post of happy and squee! And really, there is SO MUCH to squee about!

I also managed to post TWO fics today, and make final edits to a third, so WHEE!! Also signed up to keep myself accountable (and welcome ass-kickings) at gsd_rtfn . I have 4 fics I'll be writing on this week, plus big bang (which I might not get to this week), plus beta work on 3 fics for other people, PLUS a drabble for ae_ldws .

Yes, clearly, I am insane. And a masochist. Tomorrow (ooh, actually today, by the clock), DH and I will spend several hours in a coffee shop, where he will study for finals and I will write as many words as humanly possible, with occasional short breaks for twitter, and maybe a brief bit of flailing in chatzy :D If you see me around tomorrow, FEEL FREE to poke me and/or harass me about how my writing is going. PLEASE DO, IN FACT.

As it is nearly 1am, and my birthday is officially over, I'm wrapping this up and getting some sleep. If I've inadvertently left anyone off my thank you list, PLEASE let me know. Totally just an oversight (or possible coding issue) on my part! I love you all (no, really. You have no idea)!

Random Note: Damn, a lot of you have twitter names that differ from your LJ names. It was a brain workout to keep everyone straight! Especially as I interact with some of you several times a day under one name, and rarely under the other!

my f-list rocks, i heart you all, birthday stuff, real life stuff, thank you

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