Fic: Gold (Always Believe in Your Soul) (Harry/Draco) (PG-13)

May 08, 2011 15:33

Title: Gold (Always Believe In Your Soul)
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Beta: groolover
Rating: PG-13
Word Count approx 900
Warning(s): none
Summary: Harry gets his nipple pierced. But not for the usual reasons.

Author's Notes: Written for bleedforyou1 as a birthday gift. She prompted me with "Harry/Draco" and "jewellery". My Muse was all over the place on this one. She wanted to go either complete and utter crack, or involve eventual/mentioned main character death (keeping the 'jewellery' in question the same in both versions). I wrangled her into somewhat-cracky fluff in the end. Bleedy dear, I hope you enjoy this. Happy birthday, birthday buddy! :) Oh, and title is from the Spandau Ballet song, "Gold".

"You pierced your nipple?"

Harry winced. He'd forgotten Draco could reach such a high pitch.

"It's not a big deal," he said indignantly. "I thought it might be fun. Later. After it heals." Definitely after it healed. It hurt like hell right now.

"Fun?" Draco looked at him dubiously. "It just… it looks silly on you. And what if you catch it on something? And you're an Auror, for Merlin's sake. Haven't you thought about how likely you are to have it ripped out in a fight or something?"

He hadn't thought about that, actually. He hadn't thought about it at all before taking the plunge, to be quite honest. It had been a spur of the moment thing, done to head off other potential problems, and in hindsight, it was a fairly flawed plan. "Look, do you really hate it that much? Because I'll remove it if you want." It had already served its purpose, anyway.

Draco shook his head and sighed. "I don't hate it. It's just… it's not you. You have this very commanding, respectable air about you, and this doesn't fit. A tattoo, maybe, but a nipple ring?" He looked at it again, tilting his head to the side. "I suppose it could grow on me, though."

Harry grinned. Crisis averted.

* * *

The nipple ring, it turned out, grew on Draco more than it did Harry.

He was always snagging the bloody thing on his robes, or catching it on the towel after his shower, or some damned thing like that. By the end of the third day, he was ready to remove it. Especially after Draco, trying to get into things, decided to lick it rather forcefully in the middle of events in the bedroom, and Harry had essentially shouted and shoved him off, stammering a quick apology as he clasped his hand over it for protection.

He couldn't wait to be rid of this thing.

He really only had to endure a few days of pain, though. On the morning Harry had been waiting for, he rolled over quietly, grabbed the small object he'd hidden in his bedside table, and rolled back over, simultaneously slipping the object underneath Draco's pillow and leaning over to wake his boyfriend with a kiss on the shoulder.

Draco made a noise that sounded very much like 'mumph' and scooted closer, eyes still closed. Harry kissed his shoulder again. "Wake up. I have something for you."

Draco slowly opened his eyes. "Is that thing coffee?"

With a chuckle, Harry shook his head. "No, but I'll get that started in just a minute. Remember the other day, when I got my nipple pierced?"

"Can hardly forget," Draco said with a large yawn. "Still not certain why you did it. You don't seem to enjoy it."

"It was a ruse."

Draco propped himself up on one elbow, looking considerably more alert. "Oh?"

"Yeah. I knew you'd seen me in Rings and Things, and I needed an excuse to be there, so you wouldn't suspect something."

"You… pierced your nipple to distract me from your actual reason for being there? You couldn't have just claimed you were questioning the owner for a case or something?"

Harry had realised that yes, he probably could have done that, but not until about half a second after he'd acquired a new hole and small piece of jewellery. "So I have an issue with impulse control. It's worked out okay so far. It's how we ended up together, isn't it?"

"True. So. If you weren't there to get your piercing, what were you there for?"

"Reach under your pillow." He watched as Draco slid a hand underneath his pillow and found what Harry had placed there. Draco withdrew his hand and pulled out a small box. The R&T logo stood out sharply, gold ink against the dark blue velvet. "Happy birthday."

Draco smiled hesitantly for just a moment before opening the lid. Inside lay a silver and emerald ring. It was simple and unassuming, a stark contrast to the ornate Malfoy family jewellery Draco had inherited. "Your taste in jewellery is considerably better than your taste in robes," he said softly after a moment of staring at it.

Harry grinned. "So you like it. Put it on. See what it does."

"It does something other than look impressive, yet understated?"

"Just put it on."

Draco removed the ring and slipped it onto his ring finger. He looked questioningly at Harry. "It heats up. I know my hands are usually cold, but shouldn't there have been a pair, then?"

"It's not to keep your hands warm. If that was the intent, I'd have bought you gloves, Draco. It warms up when I'm thinking about you. So you'll always know, even when I'm at work, or away on assignment, or I'm home and you're working late."

Draco just stared at him a moment without saying anything. And then, suddenly, he was pulling Harry down and into a kiss that said thank you better than any words ever could, the ring on his finger hot against the skin on Harry's back.

gift!fic, fandom: harry potter, length: ficlet, fanfiction, category: slash, genre: established relationship, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg-13, era: post-hogwarts, genre: fluff

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