Inception Fic: Baked Into the Paint (Arthur/Eames) (G)

May 06, 2011 18:00

Title: Baked Into the Paint
Beta: maja_li
Word Count: 403
Rating: G
Warning(s): none
Summary: In which Principal Rainey's car is an unfortunate victim of Eames' infatuation.

Author's Notes: Written for week eight of round one of the Last Drabble Writer Standing competition at ae_ldws . Genre/cliche was "High School AU" and the prompt was "a dozen eggs".

Arthur was busy wrestling his calculus text book into his locker when hurried footsteps approached and stopped directly behind him. "Hey," a voice whispered harshly. "Arthur, right?"

With an internal sigh, Arthur turned around. "What do you want?"

"Do me a favor, yeah?" The new kid-Eames was his last name, but Arthur had never caught his first-looked over his shoulder toward the door that led to the parking lot. "It's an easy one."

"Why would I do you a favor?" He had never spoken more than a dozen words to Eames, who had the unsettling habit of staring at him as Arthur ran laps on the track. "I don't even know you."

"Just, here, take this," Eames said, not even listening. He shoved an empty egg carton into Arthur's hands just as their principal threw open the door and locked his gaze on them. Arthur stared at the Styrofoam container in his hands for a split second, then took in the furious look on their principal's face, and shoved the carton into his locker, shutting the door behind it.

"Principal Rainey, sir, good to see you this lovely afternoon," Eames said, charm oozing from his voice. Arthur tried not to roll his eyes.

"Don't start with me, Eames. My car's been egged, and I've got a good idea it was you. Let me see your backpack."

Eames turned over the bag with a smile. "Nothing on me, sir. But what about Arthur here? Why don't you check him? Maybe he's hiding an empty carton." Arthur fought the urge to punch Eames in the face.

"Arthur?" Rainey snorted as he went through the nearly empty backpack. "Next time you want to suggest someone, try someone other than him." He handed back the bag. "You're clear. For now." He gave Arthur a nod. "Give my best to your dad." And then he left.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Arthur exploded as soon as Rainey was gone. He'd had fleeting thoughts of detention or suspension from the track team.

"That you looked like a safe bet," Eames said with a smile. "Thanks. Looks like I owe you one." He hoisted his bag onto his shoulder and leaned in close-so close Arthur could smell his cologne. "I'll be in touch."

Arthur watched him walk away, blushing furiously and wishing he didn't want to know what kind of repayment might be coming his way.

genre: preslash, pairing: arthur/eames, fandom: inception, fanfiction, category: slash, length: drabble, ldws entry, genre: au, rating: g

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