HP Fanfic: "Worth It" (Harry/Draco) (R)

May 01, 2011 23:56

Title: Worth It
Rating: R
Word Count: 300
Warnings: just smut and a bit of cursing
Summary: No matter the consequences, this is worth it.
Author's Notes: Written for week one of the first round serpentinelion 's LDWS. Prompt was "I hate that I want you".

They came together, lips and teeth and tongues, nothing gentle about it. Working together had been hell at first; then it had been a new kind of hell, one that involved hidden glances and 'accidental' touches and innuendo leaking into everything they said. How it had come to this moment, Harry didn't know, but he was beyond caring. All that mattered was now. The consequences would be dealt with later.

Malfoy pulled back, breathing hard. Harry got one good look at his hair, finally mussed, and his flushed lips and dragged him close again. "You're not getting away." His voice felt rough, and there was fire flowing in his veins. He had forgotten what it felt like to be alive like this. He wouldn't--couldn't--trade this for anything.

"Then don't let me," Malfoy sighed against his neck.

Harry fumbled with Malfoy's robes, shoving them off one shoulder, exposing pale white skin. He buried his face in the other man's neck, trailing small bites from there to his shoulder. "Why the fuck did we wait so long for this?"

Malfoy pressed him harder into the wall. "Because we're idiots. Or because we both know we shouldn't be doing this. One of the two." He looked like he cared as little about consequences as Harry did. "Too many clothes," he managed a few moments later. Harry thought he was right.

They tumbled together onto the bed shortly thereafter. "I hate that I want you," Harry said, looking down at the man pinned beneath him.

Draco moaned as Harry pressed against him. "Then that makes two of us. But I'm used to hating myself. You get used to it." He reached a hand up behind Harry's neck and pulled him down into another kiss. Harry thought he could live with it, too.

fandom: harry potter, fanfiction, category: slash, pairing: harry/draco, genre: non-epilogue compliant, length: drabble, ldws entry, era: post-hogwarts, rating: r

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