Bah, BRB, playing internet-catch-up

Feb 27, 2011 08:58

First, to those who gave me love at arineat 's H/D ANON LOVE MEME, massive amounts of cuddles and squishes. I was incredibly surprised to even HAVE a thread, let alone have multiple lovings. You guys are awesome! Sadly, while I was able to leave love for many of my friends, I did not get to all of you before I went internet-less for several days. Damn you, RL, demanding my time!

Second, well, I have been essentially internet-less (with the exception of Twitter, via phone) since about Tuesday. If anything's gone on you feel I should know about, please comment here, PM, DM, or whatever. Reading my f'list through the "journals only" filter right now in an attempt to at least mostly catch up. Means I'm missing massive amts of fic, but cannot be helped right now.

Third, had some work upheaval recently. That Guy no longer works here, and there's a lot involved in that, so that will be its own f'locked post in the next several days. Means my schedule's going completely bonkers again, but it also means I'm working more in the production kitchen--this week, I have three days back there BY MYSELF. *still does not know how to do nearly everything, mostly because of That Guy* *tries not to panic*

Fourth, missed my kinkfest posting date. Turned on computer yesterday to find just over 2k of the document GONE, plus other editing-type changes not saved. Rewrote a chunk of it, discussed with one of you late last night, and realised this piece is completely against what kinkfest is looking for. SO. Currently plopped down in the breakroom at work, getting ready to write a much shorter fic featuring the kink (scar!kink). Will absolutely keep working on this one, but will just post it to my own LJ on my own time. It's going to be longer than expected (meaning, more than 3k), and FAR plottier. Also have bunnies for 2 other fics featuring that kink, so, well, if that's one you enjoy, you might be in luck. Yes, that's 4 total ideas for those kinds of fics, two of which are currently being written.

I have 3 hrs until my shift starts, and I am supplied with Tulsi vanilla tea (here's hoping the Ayurvedic herbs and adaptogens lessen the eye twitch I've had FOR NEARLY A MONTH NOW, if indeed it is stress-related), strawberries, and I have a can of my favourite soup for closer to noon (just 9am now). Hoping to finish the new kinkfest submission, and, if I have time, write for the next round of the Arthur/Eames LDWS (final FIVE now!).

general update, news, i am made of fail, real life stuff

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