Greatest conversation I've ever had.

Jan 03, 2006 12:28

01-03[12:00] Kharnal 7: hi Nicole
01-03[12:02] sassysugar 1999 : hey
01-03[12:03] Kharnal 7: what's up, how you doing?
01-03[12:03] sassysugar 1999 : i'm doing good. how about you?
01-03[12:07] Kharnal 7: horribly horrible
01-03[12:08] sassysugar 1999 : why
01-03[12:08] Kharnal 7: Toi and I broke up
01-03[12:08] sassysugar 1999 : aw i'm sorry
01-03[12:08] sassysugar 1999 : what happened
01-03[12:08] Kharnal 7: I'm at work right now, lunch break, thank god
01-03[12:08] Kharnal 7: I just slacked off and stopped doing things for her
01-03[12:09] Kharnal 7: not one thing
01-03[12:09] Kharnal 7: a bunch of tiny things
01-03[12:10] sassysugar 1999 : why did you do that?
01-03[12:10] sassysugar 1999 : that will get you every time
01-03[12:11] Kharnal 7: yeah
01-03[12:11] Kharnal 7: I feel so bad
01-03[12:11] Kharnal 7: it happened on the 18th
01-03[12:11] Kharnal 7: I've lost like 10 lbs since then
01-03[12:11] sassysugar 1999 : damn!
01-03[12:11] Kharnal 7: I'm a fucking wreck
01-03[12:11] sassysugar 1999 : do you still talk at least?
01-03[12:12] Kharnal 7: we've hung out almost every day
01-03[12:12] sassysugar 1999 : well that has to help
01-03[12:12] Kharnal 7: yeah...
01-03[12:13] sassysugar 1999 : think you'll get back together?
01-03[12:13] Kharnal 7: I don't know
01-03[12:13] Kharnal 7: I can't take much more of this
01-03[12:13] sassysugar 1999 : well everything happens for a reason
01-03[12:14] Kharnal 7: sorry to bother you like this
01-03[12:14] sassysugar 1999 : don't worry about it
01-03[12:14] sassysugar 1999 : i understand
01-03[12:14] Kharnal 7: sucks cuz it seems like all my friends like her more than me
01-03[12:14] Kharnal 7: I don't have anyone to talk to
01-03[12:15] Kharnal 7: and I feel like I deserve it all
01-03[12:16] sassysugar 1999 : its not about deserving
01-03[12:16] sassysugar 1999 : its about learning
01-03[12:16] sassysugar 1999 : and then next time it will be better
01-03[12:16] Kharnal 7: yeah, I just want to show her that I've learned my lesson
01-03[12:16] Kharnal 7: she feels like if we get back together it's only a matter of time before I fall into the same pattern
01-03[12:16] sassysugar 1999 : well just stick with her even through this
01-03[12:17] sassysugar 1999 : and that will show her
01-03[12:17] sassysugar 1999 : yeah... thats how it usually is
01-03[12:17] sassysugar 1999 : but after time you start to forget the bad and remember the good
01-03[12:17] Kharnal 7: I don't want to scare her away with my desperation
01-03[12:17] Kharnal 7: it's hard to hold it all in when we're together
01-03[12:18] sassysugar 1999 : I know
01-03[12:18] Kharnal 7: smile and laugh with her... it's such a lie
01-03[12:18] sassysugar 1999 : but if you push yourself on her you are never going to have that space you need to forget the bad
01-03[12:18] Kharnal 7: you're right
01-03[12:19] Kharnal 7: it's so difficult to be patient when I'm in this pain
01-03[12:19] sassysugar 1999 : trust me I know
01-03[12:19] sassysugar 1999 : remember she was in pain too
01-03[12:19] sassysugar 1999 : and you ignored it
01-03[12:19] sassysugar 1999 : and this is what happened
01-03[12:19] sassysugar 1999 : and you have to deal with it until she is ready
01-03[12:19] Kharnal 7: how the hell do you know my situation so well?
01-03[12:19] sassysugar 1999 : because i have been there
01-03[12:19] sassysugar 1999 : only i was on her side
01-03[12:19] sassysugar 1999 : haha
01-03[12:20] Kharnal 7: how did it work out?
01-03[12:20] sassysugar 1999 : i gave her up
01-03[12:20] sassysugar 1999 : i tried to keep her
01-03[12:20] Kharnal 7: I don't think I should have asked that ~=-/
01-03[12:20] sassysugar 1999 : and she didnt let me
01-03[12:20] sassysugar 1999 : and then when i was ready to go she wanted me backc
01-03[12:20] sassysugar 1999 : i woudlnt have
01-03[12:20] sassysugar 1999 : its different with you i th ink
01-03[12:20] sassysugar 1999 : she lied to me alot
01-03[12:20] sassysugar 1999 : and did things behind my back
01-03[12:21] sassysugar 1999 : there was no trust
01-03[12:21] Kharnal 7: that sucks
01-03[12:21] sassysugar 1999 : yeah... so i think you are in better standing
01-03[12:21] Kharnal 7: I'm gonna still buy her flowers though!
01-03[12:21] sassysugar 1999 : you should
01-03[12:21] Kharnal 7: I can't wait to get her the new ones
01-03[12:21] sassysugar 1999 : she does love you
01-03[12:21] sassysugar 1999 : she is just afraid of you
01-03[12:22] Kharnal 7: her purple carnations are due to be replaced this friday
01-03[12:22] sassysugar 1999 : cute
01-03[12:22] Kharnal 7: it was funny because she decided to give me another chance
01-03[12:23] Kharnal 7: and then I got her flowers thanking her for the chance
01-03[12:23] Kharnal 7: and then right after I bought them to be delivered the next day
01-03[12:23] Kharnal 7: she took it back
01-03[12:23] sassysugar 1999 : ew
01-03[12:23] Kharnal 7: so the card was out of date
01-03[12:23] Kharnal 7: haha
01-03[12:23] sassysugar 1999 : she'll probably come around
01-03[12:23] sassysugar 1999 : just not tomorrow
01-03[12:23] Kharnal 7: oh God I hope so
01-03[12:24] Kharnal 7: I went to see King Kong with her last night
01-03[12:24] Kharnal 7: and we were talking about it. I was saying that I would do anything I could to prove to her that I've changed
01-03[12:24] sassysugar 1999 : how was that?
01-03[12:24] sassysugar 1999 : anything?
01-03[12:24] Kharnal 7: King Kong was great
01-03[12:25] sassysugar 1999 : what you have to do is sit and wait and suffer through it
01-03[12:25] Kharnal 7: I brought up a hunger strike as an example
01-03[12:25] sassysugar 1999 : if you get back together now its not going to be better
01-03[12:25] sassysugar 1999 : she will still be bitter and you will probably not have completely learned a lesson
01-03[12:25] Kharnal 7: she said she'd get back with me
01-03[12:25] sassysugar 1999 : its better to wait
01-03[12:25] Kharnal 7: so now I can't eat!
01-03[12:25] Kharnal 7: AHHH
01-03[12:25] sassysugar 1999 : but you can drink
01-03[12:25] sassysugar 1999 : all the broth and v8 you want
01-03[12:25] Kharnal 7: i do love V8
01-03[12:26] sassysugar 1999 : me too
01-03[12:26] Kharnal 7: *high five*
01-03[12:26] Kharnal 7: anyway, I'm quitting pot because of it
01-03[12:26] Kharnal 7: cigs too
01-03[12:27] sassysugar 1999 : that is awesome!
01-03[12:27] Kharnal 7: pile on the misery!
01-03[12:27] sassysugar 1999 : congrats
01-03[12:27] Kharnal 7: I'm gonna post this convo on my journal so I can read it later and feel better
01-03[12:27] Kharnal 7: you're the best
01-03[12:27] Kharnal 7: <3
01-03[12:29] sassysugar 1999 : :-) glad to be any help
01-03[12:29] sassysugar 1999 : it will get better though
01-03[12:29] sassysugar 1999 : and probably in the way you want it too
01-03[12:29] sassysugar 1999 : girls are smart... we teach lessons
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