(Crosspost from my FA)
Syringes cost around 0.15 cents to even 0.08 cents when bought in bulk.
1x60mL Catheter tipoh Look PURPLE!!and even Bluelarger Catheter tipped DO NOT pay Bad-Dragon $4.00 + Fedex shipping(private shipper) for any of them. The NERVE!
We all know the #1 grievance everyone has with them, among others.
on eBay, I sometimes get them from vendors from the SAME country they do, for around $1.00 each
1x 60mL Catheter Tip 2x 50mL Slip Lock2x 50mL Slip Lock 2x 50mL Slip Lock1x 100mL Luer Lock damnit i can't believe i forgot to post this before Black Friday. You may still have time to cancel your orders!!!
If you're using MY lubricant, i recommend the long catheter tipped ones.
Note: There are 2 basic tip types
Luer Lock - that has the little twist threads on the tip, allowing needle tips to be screwed on. This is what BD uses.
Slip Lock (Catheter Tip)- everything else. (also fits with needles, but not as secure)
Now.... here's the listing to MY personal Lubricant
Chimera Labs No.5 Personal Lube - I formulated it particularly for LARGE insertions. Me and my mate use it frequently. Better than Astroglide, i contend that.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair
and now your final thought:
"When someone is being mistreated....... it's kinda everyone's business" -Jerry Springer