August already? grr

Aug 03, 2007 21:28

2 weeks until UM Move in date...and i still have no word on whether i got a room -_-
(Cross posted from FA)
I've unwatched some artists. I simply do not want to see their work anymore. it's just not good for me. Take it personally? ...good
I often find myself kicking myself for divulging and revealing the things that i think about.... in the strictest Machiavellian sense, i should keep my mouth shut and not let anyone know what I'm thinking... But once again i feel the strange need to put myself out there. (you see, things like that can some day be used against you) Here i go...
There is actually an inconsistent correlation between pageviews, watches, comments, Favs, (and the rates at which they occur) and the actual artistic value of an artist here... I've seen dozens of Wonderful Amazing artists here (whom i really do honestly believe are better than me in every way, technique and contentwise)... that have not even broken the 5000 views mark, even though they've been here a while.... there are individuals who are vastly underrated... and there are individuals that are vastly overrated... I've been working on a few little concepts on popularity on a web based Art community environment, not concentrating on FA alone, although i lack the precise and rigorous mathematical language and notation to describe them.... All i have are sketches, graphs, and descriptions of the phenomena. Here are the topics:
Ping, Lag, Rhythm, Reverb, Residual Ping

(think i'm obsessed with detail? stFu, people do this every day in the stock market, and market research, the movie industry, etc. stFu) Basically.. there's a reason why it's better to submit art during a certain time of day... and space them 2-3 days apart. Smart and questioning individuals would be happy to ask me more, and possibly help contribute to my little side project.
Maybe my timing was off and the Lag is very long.. but some of my finest works... like and have Bombed so dismally.. bombomb, i mean... woowee... god damn, nothing gets me in a Worse mood then looking through my OWN gallery sometimes. That Orca.. never sold.
I've been taking a bit of time to myself to learn.. and refine some techniques. I've been getting ahead of myself for a long time. My art is Shit, and it will stay Shit as long as i don't refine and honestly discipline and hone my skills. Just as one cannot learn to land a plane safely just by reading a book about it, it takes practice and real world "feel" training. I have learned:
-How to make clean consistent cross-hatching!
I've been increasingly frustrated with my work. that's the main feeling i have, plain and simple. It's not what i want it to be. I do not get what i want out of it... i do not enjoy artwork. It is a difficult process. I do not do art for some abstract need to create, I do art because of the results i get. Because experiencing those results feels good. and there's just nothing more to it. If you want to help me, then talk to me, tell me what's on your mind about my artwork. If you're quiet, you're really not helping me in any way... and that is a great way to get on my bad side.
So to end on a cheerful note.. ehh.. hmm... shit, i don't know... i've been feeling a lot more energetic, assertive, outgoing, aggressive, decisive, lately... sometimes a bit Assholish.... but i still really really like it... unfortunately, i have nothing to apply it to -_- nowhere to go. just my luck.
I'm gonna go check my snail mail now.... i'm waiting for word from the UM Housing.
I'm going to get dressed in my nice work pants and shirt... just to discourage any police from stopping me in my own fucking neighborhood and asking me why i'm walking around -_- Burglars don't wear Oxford shirts ya know...
grrr.. goddamnit i feel like breaking something.

math, um, art, fa

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