Apr 11, 2021 10:44

Ok so I need help finding a story. It was posted on FanFiction I believe and must have been taken down or I just cant find it.

So here goes it starts out with Bella and Jacob walking in Port Angeles I believe (Jacob hasn’t phased yet). When some guys show up and I think try to rape Bella or just rob them. Bella is shot and dies and Jacob gets angry and finally phases and I think kills the guys. Charlie and Edward both blame Jacob for not saving her.

Some time later Jacob speaks to Bella in some weird limbo space, Bella and “The Spirits” watch over Jacob or something. Jacob finds out he’ pregnant with Edward’s baby and he’s confused he doesn’t remember sleeping with Edward. The Spirits show him having sex with Edward, and reveal they controlled Edward/Jacob and made them do it to conceive the baby.

I believe some big bad is coming and the baby will help, or Edward. Jacob are just meant to be together somehow.

I believe at first Jacob doesn’t want the baby…a girl but Edward does. They name the baby Elizabeth and Jacob does eventually realize he loves her too.

I don’t remember anything else, or if its complete or not.
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