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Mar 27, 2020 14:45

So I’m looking for a fic I read a few years ago it starts with Severus getting ready to go back to Hogwarts, and think about how difficult his life is now that he’s about 3 months pregnant. Later is revealed that he found a strange room hidden in Hogwarts and Sirius stumbles in drunk , and rapes him. At first he deals with this on his own , but later a house elf at Hogwarts helps him out. He ends up having to move in that room just because he needs to hide so no one realizes he’s pregnant. Sirius see him though and realizes what he did, and they agree to raise the baby together. Severus gives birth to a baby boy, and he and Sirius move into together and start a relationship. Peter is evil still and tells Voldemort who decides he wants a child. He kidnaps Severus and rapes him . When James and Sirius rescue him they find out he’s pregnant again. In the epilogue he and Sirius are still together raising both kids, they both love each kid even if they know there’s a chance the youngest might not be Sirius’s child
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