
Jan 01, 2009 18:01

Good riddance to bad '08s I say.


1. Success!
2. Partial success. I know I took a lot of pictures but I don't think I posted much.
3. Hahaha... fail. >.>;
4. More fail. Gosh I'm such a square.
5. I don't think it's possible to fail more. Savings were pretty heavily depleted this year. =/
6. I think this was a success. Trying to be a good pup owner, did get some fishers for my fish tank but I also lost quite a few of them. Being a good fish owner is hard. :(
7. Success! I have discovered a previously unknown love of the sweet potato. Also, zucchini and fresh spinach.
8. Success! <3

My main goal for '09 is to have it suck less than '08.

1. Get new or second job.
2. Rebuild said depleted savings.
3. Schoolings. Massage and/or otherwise.
4. Planning on moving in with that boy I kiss once our leases our up.
5. Umm, cook/bake more. Got some sweet bakeware for Christmas.
6. Exercise? JoJo's pretty much a non stop exercise companion.
7. Actually post pictures that I take?
8. I suppose a subcategory of goal 2 would be saving up for trips!
9. Art more.


I hope you had a wonderful New Year's and that the New Year brings you joy
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