Lately, I've been more and more wondering where destiny will lead me; what will happen to me, when will I die... will I get to accomplish anything? The typical fear of dying most humans have is starting to slowly fade away from my mind since a few years now. I don't fear Death, maybe the way I will die though... Drowning or burn into a fire isn't
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but after much pain, my teeth are now almost perfect and i get braces off in like.. 2-4 months? (: and you're so wonderful, to care about your family and friends so much.
Sometimes i'm like that too. depressed when i'm by myself i mean. I'm like one of those "perfect little asian children" with good grades, social life, learns piano (it'll be my death i tell you...) but because of all these, j-rock is sometimes dissapproved, my intrests aren't a priority, and i'm weighted down by so many many many many expectations it kills me! i mean.. i got a 89% average (gr.8 so shhh xD) but my parents were liek "You got a B >__>"
sometimes life is so hard to live, i agree, but that's why we have all these people in LJ to help, ne? we don't know each other well, which is why we can be able to make a first impression that really is ourselves, and not what people want us to be right? here, we can share intrests with people who would care instead of patronize and look down on you.
dreams are important too. yume... japanese for dream (: it's so important, and GAMBARE(don't give up)! even if you don't have a lot of money, it's okay. I don't either, but we can all be nyappy knowing in our hearts we have cheesy friends (like me.. ^__^) who will try to make things better (:
so GAMBARE HUN~~~! work hard and try your best!! and don't die anytime soon >__> (trust me, i never smile with my mouth open cuz of braces, you're not alone in the "hate my teeth" department (: ) so nyappy wasabi dance your way into a nyappier mood ^____^ and i'll make SURE to post a bunch of sugary confections so you can be sugary sweet and Nyappy too ^__^
*glomp glomp* <33 gambare! (sorry this post is so long.. i feel like blabbing XD)
=x It's always nice to see there's people like you who can actually lift someone's mood like this. >.< I wasn't depressed when I read your comment but oh god I had to go in bathroom because it made me so nyappy ! XD
:3 It went straight to my heart and I'm very thankful <3 I LURVE YOU. :3
So I'm giving you the order to be my friend. 8DD Because you're too nice. >.
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