
Jul 27, 2009 16:21

Today is/was D-Day. For those who don't know.. D-Day is the day of your thesis defense.

After my defense, I had to leave the room so they could discuss/deliberate, so I was pacing the halls waiting. Anyway, Manish was apparently looking for me, and told me they were ready and I could come back in. He whispered to me on the way back to the conference room, "That was a great presentation." And then I was greeted by Dr. Glenn with a big hug and congratulations.. a congratulations from Manish, too. I also made sure I got a picture with Dr. Ellis - my other favorite professor. So in about half an hour, Steven and I are headed out to Sweetwater Grill to meet Manish, Melissa and whoever else decides to join us to celebrate :o) Having that defense done is such a relief. But I do still have edits to make, recommended by the committee. And then I have to turn it in to the graduate reader by Aug 7th. So hopefully I won't get my edits until a little later so I can PACK. I have packed some, but I am not close to being done. I think I am done cooking this week (only 3 nights - not including tonight) so I can start packing and cleaning the kitchen.

My avocado eggrolls w/ dipping sauce and homemade lettuce wraps were a huge hit. None of my committee members ate lunch beforehand so they would be hungry enough to eat my food ;o)

*dances around* I passed! I passed!

Update: I had more people show up to my celebration than expected! We had me, Steven, Manish, Melissa, Jon, Jay, Ryan, and Robyn. I got some picture with everyone - two more pictures to take and I can take my disposable camera to be developed! I can't wait.. anniversary photos and defense photos. woo woo!
I'll post them once I get em developed :o)
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