Jan 01, 2006 18:55
Well, it's that time again, I guess. A whole new year. Took long enough. ^_^ I'm fifteen at last- this will be a good year. Trip to A-kon in June,I'll be 16 this coming December.... I can't wait! It started out a bit... rough. ^^; I have a pet rat named Sniffles, and my mom found him. >>; I didn't exactly tell her that I bought him. Eheh... anyways, she's pretty mad at me. She didn't want a rat... T_T I'm so screwed when I get home. Poor Sniffles. He may have to leave, unless I pull something MAJOR.... .... .... hmm... *thinks* Well... what to do, right? I'll think of something, I'm sure. If all else fails, I have the papers to return him to the store- I can get my money back and still keep his cage for when I get a new pet. ^_~ >> << >> ...*cough* HAMSTER. She won't kill me for that one! ((Mom.)) I'll probably be grounded for the next week or two from the computer- heh. I'll show her that I can live without it. It's amazing how much power a Gameboy SP holds in entertainment. AND if I get my PS working, that's 2x the fun. She'll be so frustrated. *laugh* I love keeping her on her toes- if I don't do something to DESERVE punishment, she'll try to punish me anyways(she always finds SOMETHING)- so why try to be good? I know when I'm doing something wrong or not, I just want to see if she can catch me. *grin* There's so much more than the RAT that she could get me for... I'm suprised she hasn't caught on yet. I may have to drop more hints, just to see if she's paying attention...