Hello Khanz Here ^^

Aug 16, 2020 15:40

Hello everyone I'm Khanz from Indonesia. I've entered this fandom just early this year so you can call me a Newbie hehe..

my story until become janiswota is so simple, I'm fall in love with Yamada Ryosuke first (It's bc I watch Assasination Classroom, he got a role as Nagisa here and Nagisa is my husbu lol) It's around 2016 or 2017 I'm not sure. then I heared Ai no Muwake (at 2018) this song hit my heart so hard I fall in love with HSJ first.

Than end of 2019 I heared Koi-Wazurai of kinpuri song. Bc I like this song, I stalk other Kinpuri's song and fall in love with lover's delight. I know Kinpuri since their debut but I started follow them early 2020.

I like Shori Sato bc Haruchika, and I keep to search his information and than like sexyzone songs. after join this fandom Other group being wrecker for me. Like Naniwa Danshi, Johnny's WEST, HHJ, SunoSuto and the others.

Arashi in diff level, I like them as my respect since they are senior. Same as KinKi kids, V6, Kanjani 8

Sorry for my english
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