has entered text.

Jul 24, 2009 18:34

The "so-and-so is typing..." tool on AIM is the most retarded thing AIM has to offer. I mean seriously, they must have been cracking up when they made that application. It's so obvious. The creators made that application just to reinforce if not create awkward moments during conversation.

For example, in confronting Valerie on AIM about not inviting me to a party, I am faced with about three minutes of silence before I am messaged back. Only those minutes aren't totally silent. I get to watch her struggle with words as she "is typing..." and "has entered text."


...is typing....

entered text....



Hesitance is no longer blame-able on "AFK" but is rather awkwardly evident.

Oh the best ones are when you get like four minutes of the previously mentioned type, pause, entered, type etc. just to get a "lol".

JUST SHUT THAT OPTION OFF, PEOPLE. I can't think of any reason to keep it on.
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