You had me at "cello"

Jan 16, 2011 22:52

A little backstory behind the day I got stink eye from my husband when the text on my CD player read "AmandaFu--ingPalmer": You want to know a secret? I commandeered that radio for a reason.

A few weeks prior, he walked in and I was watching one of the videos from "Who Killed Amanda Palmer?". He said that really isn't my kind of music and that I only liked her because she was connected to Neil Gaiman. (I know- feel free to gasp loudly now, 'cuz it is ON!).
No, sir. I thoroughly enjoy the gentleman's stories and how his mind works as he twists a tale, but that hardly means I need to fall in love with his wife. HOWEVER... well, I did fall in love with his wife, but not in a stalkerish sort of way; More of a 'woohoo! go you! and by the way you are gorgeous!' sort of way.
Anyway, back to the point. So, I was terribly offended by this comment.

I know I am almost 39 but I do still have a clue about music. I was aware of "The Dresden Dolls" and, being a huge musical theater freak, thought it was really cool that they had her playing the Emcee in "Cabaret".

When I first started checking out her music, I fell on "What's the Use of Wonderin'"- hello? Musical theater drama queen over here. The video will get you to smirk -unless you are male.
Do not ask me how I got from there to "Hallelujah" (which is a song that will make me cringe -but I think I blame "Watchmen" for that) but about half way through, I was in tears.
Well, from there it snowballed. Not only was she amazing at putting her emotions into her music, but there is a cello (SQUEE!) and sometimes strings on her arrangements.
Ok, so... Piano + cello = love.
But wait! There's more!
+ Girl with brass balls whose voice even I, who have chased many a bass down a scale during shows just for shits and giggles, hesitate to follow into some of her low notes for fear that my voice would say 'You want me to go there? Srsly? You do know I will leave you for a few days if you make me do that, right?'.

- vocal enhancing nonsense that makes her voice sound perfect when, really, who cares? She is good at what she does and hellishly talented and silly. We don't all need to be Charlotte Church.

+cello = EPIC LOVE!!

So, I show him a video a few nights later... because I am annoying like that. It was probably the night I kept him up until 4am and was armed with my iPhone in camera mode.
She was singing "Gaga, Palmer, Madonna". The orignal that she had on her blog reminded me of Beth Patterson (our Bazouki queen in New Orleans); he thought so, too.
I note a change in his tone as he speaks of her. He tells me she is pretty in that video. I sense a change of opinion coming.

I burned the album (jeez, do they call them that anymore?) I purchased on iTunes to the now infamous AFP disc that he saw in my car and the instant we started on our hour and a half journey home, I switched to her CD.
By the time we got home? "She certainly grows on you," says he.

Now just wait until I have him hostage and show off her new video "Map of Tasmania". This ought to be good. *snicker*

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

cello, @amandapalmer, jenn ftw!, singing, theater

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