
Nov 29, 2009 03:47

Who: B'kaiv, G'dri, T'rev
When: 1/5/21.10
Where: Lakeshore, FTW
What: Everything starts out pleasant during the First Day festivities, until certain information comes to light concern some of the weyrlings and G'dri and T'rev... do not see eye to eye. Poor Kai, catalyst.
Like Kai, I am a log-thief raiding T'rev's journal. Mwah!

Lakeshore, Fort Weyr
The lake's shore is a broad crescent of golden-hued sand, stretching from the southwest wall near the feeding grounds and arcing toward the southeast and overlooking the blue waters of the lake. Where the lake deepens, that water turns a murkier blue-green, hiding an untold number of perils in its depths. It is an oft-used location for dragons seeking a place to sun or for residents and riders who feel a need to take a stroll; the sand is generally kept pretty clean and while there are no shells, there are periodic bits of obsidian and other volcanic stones to be found if one feels like picking around.

Earlier this morning there was a touch of snap in the air, a remnant of winter maybe, making its presence known. Now at noon though, the skies are high and clear and the sun is rapidly warming the Bowl where revelers revel already on the Weyr's Firstday. Just a little while ago, the traditional concert re-telling key portions of Fort's history took place and now the participants and audience alike are milling around in search of drink and food while the harpers change out the backdrops on the dais and set up for dance sets. The scent of barbecue fills the air and the bakers have outdone themselves at the dessert tables. Amidst the throng, T'rev walks, dressed to the nines in what looks like a brand new russet shirt and a pair of pants that seem trader inspired but are more conservative than the usual Terriv cut and color. The Weyrleader pauses here and there to greet, shake hands and so on, a brief nod given to Cirse as the Weyrwoman steps away in another direction to do likewise. Things seem mostly amiable between the pair. Mostly. The sensitive might pick up a lingering thread of not-quite-tension between them.

One amongst many though not within the milling clusters of dispersing audience, G'dri's already secured himself a beverage of some sort, tankard held in one hand. Dressed 'up' his clothing is still more understated than most, prudence as much as style keeping his apparel that which can still be worked in in a pinch. Though the dusty, dusk purple of his shirt is certainly a switch from normal. Not an obvious lurker, but his manner has a definite air of supervision about it as he walks through the crowd, attention alert for weyrlings attending the festivities though he maintains his distance. Let them relax and have some fun, after all. Just not too much. He does angle his steps in a slightly different direction when he spots T'rev, patiently working his way over and awaiting an opportunity to pay his respects with an inclined head, smile and simply voiced, "Good afternoon, Weyrleader."

After another hand shake and a hearty laugh for one of the plump kitchen workers who plies him with wine, T'rev finds himself at liberty to greet G'dri as he notes the bluerider's approach. "Afternoon, G'dri. Enjoyin' the weather?" he inquires politely and lifts his newly acquired cup in silent toast before sipping.

Amusement broadens G'dri's smile as he casts a glance upwards, tracks briefly the path of a group of playing -- or perhaps squabbling -- firelizards that crosses his vision before lowering his gaze again. "It's quite pleasant," he observes unnecessarily by way of answering the query, but without responding to that silent toast. "Nice to have a mild spring." Such scintillating conversation. But then it doesn't have to be when one's just saying hello in passing, right? There are others waiting to exchange inane pleasantries with Fort's Weyrleader after all.

"Nice to not be cold anymore, even if it means ... other less pleasant things," T'rev murmurs with a quiet sigh, then rallies his smile. "How are things with the weyrlings?" he asks next, apparently intent on actually having more than a passing chat, a polite nod tendered for one of those lurking nearby and gestures towards one of the tables that's been set up for eating and taking a break from the festivities, silent invitation for G'dri to join him.

G'dri confines himself to a brief, sympathetic grimace for the younger man, at least for the moment. "Quite well. Almost ready to start making proper straps and the young ones are getting better in the air day by day. A couple of our more impatient personalities are already eagerly anticipating the day they can truly fly together, distant as that is yet." Not /so/ distant, but yes. The answer given as the silent invitation is accepted in action, a couple steps towards the indicated table taken and then the bluerider pauses, waiting for T'rev to pass him before continuing the rest of the way to sit down. "A few from the previous clutch have been rather helpful is assisting the younger. It is good to see them working together." Another pause as he wets his throat with a swallow of his drink, blue eyes scanning briefly over the rim of the tankard.

"Anyone in particular showing that extra eagerness to get sky-borne?" T'rev asks with some amusement as he crosses over to that table, settles down on the bench seating. "Teamwork, good, good. Think they're a pretty close group then?" This is asked casually enough, but the interest is plain on T'rev's face, while the sound of tuning instruments rises in the background.

"S'lien," G'dri picks one above the rest after some time taken to consider all the pairs. "A combination of youth and Eyith's influence, I believe. She's a vivacious one." As his gaze returns back to the Weyrleader, his brows lift slightly as he considers that casual question with the same gravity as the previous. "Close? No. Not particularly. Willing enough to work together, however." Which is certainly better than being rife with personality conflicts. "If we can keep them focused fully upon their training they should start to develop closer relationships as they begin to depend upon each other more. Some distractions and worries are difficult to combat." Oblique, much? But spoken candidly enough for all that.

"Sure, he's pretty young, youngest one we've had in a while yeah?" T'rev asks and tilts his glass up again, looks up for a moment, nods , waves as someone calls out a 'pleasant Firstday' greeting from a little ways away. Back to G'dri and the Weyrleader looks thoughtful. "So, not really bonding with each other too much? More working alongside than as a team, would you say?" he pursues that further, apparently not all too keen on 'oblique', though he's not exactly pushy either, just ... not dropping it that easily.

G'dri's smile is wry as he lifts one shoulder in a shrug. "Before this one, I must admit I didn't pay much attention to previous weyrling groups or-- much beyond my daughter and daily duties." So T'rev's guess is as good as his really, and quite probably better, as to the youthfulness of weyrlings past. "Not as friends, no. Not as the group as a whole. There are of course some individual relationships, the expected division between boys and girls as gender offers some commonality despite the often marked disparity in backgrounds. But, they also have yet to fully be brought together and expected to work as a complete unit, as well. Things may change." He turns slightly, eyes scanning the nearby clusters of people again, and he straightens his spine to gain a titch more height for the perusal.

"Mm. Technically, he shouldn't even have been Searched," T'rev notes quietly. "But a few who're under sixteen still slip in now and then," the Weyrleader continues. "Even though we don't have Thread, I don't much like the idea of havin' kids on dragons. Sometimes think even I was too young for it," T'rev notes thoughtfully and fiddles with his cup a little. "Mm. So bein' weyrlings hasn't really broken down some of those boundaries between holders and non, blood and non, yet," he murmurs then lets the subject dro, watching G'dri's behavior. "Waitin' on someone?"

"It's a difficult enough age without the added weight of another mind, another personality, to contend with," G'dri agrees. Tilting his head to one side, "Mecaith is seven? Eight?" The murmur receives a sidelong look and a bit of a quirked smile. "It is still early in their training and they have not yet been required to mesh together fully," he reminds. "Different levels of conditioning and aptitude has seen them separated while we wrok to bring them all up to a similar level." Tankard lifted once more to his lips, the bluerider settles back again and shakes his head across the table at the Weyrleader. "Unofficial chaperone keeping an eye out for my charges," he explains his behaviour with a broad grin. "And I may be able to convince my daughter to share a dance with her old man later, assuming I can spot her in this throng."

Nearly everyone at Fort is bound to show up at the party at some point today. To wit, one often-sullen greenrider comes out of the crowd with a mug in hand, to greet his Weyrleader and G'dri with a, "Hey," and a nod. Maybe it's just coincidence that has him standing just behind the bluerider's shoulder and a pace or so to the side, just within easy arm's reach. He's not precisely dressed up though his clothes are clean, and the sleeves of his dark blue shirt are shoved above his elbow in deference to the sunshine.

"Yeah, exactly," T'rev agrees with G'dri with an emphatic nod. "How's a kid who's still figurin' him or herself out supposed to deal with everything gettin' turned up on end like that?" His head shakes back and forth a few times then he smiles. "Seven and a little bit. He'll be eight end of the 10th month." G'dri's explanation about the weyrlings earns laughter. "Yeaaah, I've heard a little bit about gettin' everyone up to speed. Not everyone's takin' too kindly to it." Again brown eyes scan the crowd and T'rev nods. "Yeah, hopin' to get the same from my sister," he notes amiably and has another drink. When Kai arrives, the Weyrleader's cup drops down away from his mouth. "Hey Kai. How's it goin' so far?"

That very simple 'hey' has G'dri turning again on the bench where he's sat, smile wide as he looks up at the newly-arrived greenrider. "Good afternoon, Kai. Have a seat?" Since the other pertinent question has already been asked. He picks up the thread of conversation again easily however, chin dipping in a nod even as he theorizes, "One could possibly make the argument that the dragons choose those who are mature enough to handle it. Mature beyond their years. Some children settle into who they are much faster than others." Laughter returned, but he doesn't comment on any of the specific individuals who are or have been less than enthused about the physical rigors of their training.

"Ain't too bad, sir," B'kaiv answers T'rev, with a twitch of his lips that could almost be a smile for G'dri's invitation. Two beats to think and he nods, says, "A'right," and drags out a chair to drop in swift succession, never spilling a drop. "Whose children you talking about? Wait, weyrlings?" He glances from G'dri to T'rev and back, eyes lingering on the blueriding assistant weyrlingmaster's face for answers. "This ain't official or nothing, is it?" with an unspoken question of 'want me to go'.

"Mm. Have you seen that to be the case over the turns though?" T'rev queries of G'dri. "I mean, I haven't seen nearly as many clutches, so y'know, from where I'm standin' dragons don't seem to pay much attention to maturity when they're pickin'," he says with a wry grin and nods across at Kai. "Yeah, weyrlings and how they get picked and nope, no kind of official, just shootin' the breeze," the Weyrleader claims.

Nodding, nodding, drinking since the Weyrleader has answering B'kaiv's questions well in hand, which means G'dri really needn't bother. The slant of smile does change slightly more towards reasurring as his hand lifts in a brief 'don't run off' gesture at the last query. "It depends on the standards by which one judges maturity. A strong, settled personality can still be mistaken as belonging to an immature individual if that individual's nature is particularly fun-loving or carefree. Strength of character is not so easily categorized by absolutes." Those words might seem odd paired with the humour in his eyes as he glances at T'rev. Though his attention swings back to Kai after a moment more, "I apologise, Kai, for not getting back to you about what you suggested. We need to schedule something before it gets too much later."

After a nod to acknowledge T'rev B'kaiv tries to follow the conversation, though not very hard and not for long. Mostly he swigs at his beer and keeps one ear out while his eyes skim the crowd. "There a problem in th' barracks, or something? An' shells, G'dri, I don't remember what you're talking about. 'D I suggest something?" His eyes flick to T'rev and back, maybe too fast for the bronzerider to catch, but knowing T'rev, probably not.

Oddly enough, what G'dri says leads to a sudden dip of T'rev's head and his cup lifted for a good long drink before he agrees. "Not much seems t'be easily categorized by absolutes," he echoes the bluerider then shakes his head Kai-wards again. "Nope, just askin' how things are going in general." That flick back and forth of the greenrider's eyes is duly noted, but it's the Weyrleader's turn to play casual and look out into the crowd. "Lookin' to catch my sister if I can, in a bit," he notes by way of explanation, while giving the other two 'space' to sort out the presence or absence of any suggestions.

"The self-defence demonstration," G'dri supplies a memory prompt for Kai. And, he really can't resist the opportunity to tease, "You know, Nia tossing you around over her shoulder." His grin might give it away as a joke, but his eyes are a little too steady for there not to be some tiny thread of seriousness. The Weyrleader's wine diving only seems to increase the bluerider's merriment, a quiet laugh disappearing into the depths of his own tankard.

B'kaiv says, "Oh yeah," with a little jerk of his head. "That - well, I ain't seen Jiella or none of th' others. Didn't know better, say as they was avoiding me." "--Reminds me," he adds after a second, and a sniff. "She asked me - Nissa - if I'd teach her t' fight so she could go breaking M'try's fingers." Though that starts being aimed at the bronzerider, by the time he's finished Kai's telling both men. "Dunno as she's done nothing about it, but I guess you should know. An' yeah, I'm still willing t', you know. Get beat up t' show 'em it ain't all about being strong."

"Now see that'd be fun to watch," T'rev contributes once his focus has returned to the others. "And yeah, I know. Showed her how to make a proper fist at least," he explains about his sister, holding up a hand to demonstrate. "Though also don't really advise any fightin' amongst the weyrlings of course."

"Breaking. M'try's. Fingers." Slow, deliberate and definitely three very distinctly separate words. G'dri arches his eyebrows at Kai, mouth pulling into an unhappy line. Followed by, "You know." With a similar look for the Weyrleader. "Care to explain?" All other considerations are rather forgotten as this sounds serious.

"That's what she said," Kai repeats with an edge of unhappiness. "Something about him drawing her, only she ain't got no proof or nothing. So course I said no." Maybe G'dri'll understand if Kai metaphorically flees to the Weyrleader and looks to him for rescue. "Think she's just got her straps in a twist. She were saying as she wanted t' go home, too."

A distinctly discomfited look crosses T'rev's face as B'kaiv airs more of his sister's dirty laundry. "I talked to Nissa and told her she needs to talk to M'try about what's bothering her," the Weyrleader says first and foremost. "Don't think she's really going to break his fingers, she was just real upset about what she's pretty sure he did. Thing is, she's got to sort out if he did or not first, though uh -- it's highly likely he did, based on ah -- what I know about what he draws," he continues. "And only way to do that is for them to talk." He takes a breath, lets it out. "Plenty of folks'll get homesick when their weyrlings or goin' through other things they ain't used to either. Talked to her about that too and I think she's gotten settled in her head. Good thing about havin' family in the Weyr, that's an extra ear she can bend."

"Even voiced in frustration, that something would upset her enough to express a wish of bodily harm upon one of her fellows is something that should have been brought to the attention of her teachers." G'dri's voice is mild -- he's certainly not going to /chastise/ the /Weyrleader/. But there is a definite uncurrent of 'and you should know that' as he continues, "Or at the least, the Weyrlingmaster should have been informed." With a questioning lift of his brows, has she been? "What does he draw?" Homesickness really doesn't rate, at least not on this scale. T'rev's discomfort earns more attention than B'kaiv's unhappiness, though the greenrider is spared a glance from the bluerider as he awaits an answer. Fun times! Not.

B'kaiv's got this fascinating beer right here, yes he does. Very fascinating, and someone dropped a two-mark piece into the mug so he has to drink it all up. Right now. Quietly, and after licking the corners of his mouth clean, "She said as he draws girls naked." All hearsay, and so quietly spoken it may not travel beyond the table, not with the hubbub of the crowd.

"She didn't mention about wantin' to take M'try out to me, she did mention learnin' fighting," T'rev elaborates, "so I gave her that first pointer 'bout not breakin' your thumb puttin' it in your fist. Breakin' his fingers -- first I heard that is from Kai here just now," he continues with a quiet sigh and drops his forehead into his hand, pinches at the bridge of his nose as B'kaiv explains M'try's particular talents. "Since it's kind of out there already - I'll confirm that. M'try quietly n' discreetly draws some very nice naked pictures," the Weyrleader says, just as softly as the greenrider and looks up and across at the other two. How he knows this? Hopefully they can put two and two together on that one for themselves. "Nissa wants t'know if he's drawn her without her permission."

"Oh, Faranth," G'dri mutters in disgust, still eyeing the younger men each in his turn. His own hand lifts to rub fingers across his brow, and then back through greying hair that's surely just spontaneously gained a few more lighter strands. "I can understand the desire for keeping such an occupation quiet, but that really is something we should have been made aware of. As you clearly see, it is something that can cause disharmony within the group. These children have quite enough to deal with in their training without suddenly worrying about such violations. Which is exactly what the more conservative personalities will see it as." Blowing out a sigh, the assistant weyrlingmaster makes to rise from his seat. "If you will both excuse me?"

B'kaiv says, "Sorry," to no one in particular, glances sidelong as G'dri makes to rise and grimaces. "I didn't know nothing about it, 'cept as what she said. You think Khameth'll be up t' flying, later? You could come too, if you ain't busy or nothing." Everyone knows how enthusiastic Chielyth is about her flying partners. Half a beat later, he adds across the table to T'rev, "An' you."

G'dri's reaction in point of fact, lifts T'rev's brows. "No, actually, I don't see that it should've been. What M'try draws for himself is his private business so long as he ain't sharin' it around and this back n' forth is a private thing between Niss and M'try to sort out on their own. Granted, it did upset Liath that her rider was upset and that's a bit of a concern, " the Weyrleader says with a slight edge in his voice. "Thing is though that neither Nissa or M'try are actually children. They're grown ups and they should be given a bit of time t'sort this out first. After all, sortin' out personal conflicts is a part of weyrling training too." There's firmness in the Weyrleader's voice now.

"Don't worry, Kai," it's not him the bluerider is put out with. Distracted, G'dri aims to drop his hand briefly to the young greenrider's shoulder. Nothing much really to read into the gesture, save maybe reassurance offered from one friend to another. "I believe he may well be; he has been restless lately." Simple enough, and he's crossed behind Kai's seat before he turns back to consider the Weyrleader impassively. "Does he indeed, merely draw it for himself?" He might be asking if T'rev's shirt is really russet. But the implication is clear: M'try shared his drawings with the Weyrleader at least, which doesn't make them private. Twenty-four turns aren't quite enough to kill all Holder tendencies, and it's clear he Does Not Approve. Or maybe he's imagining his own daughter plastered naked on some page whether she wants to be or not.

B'kaiv shifts under G'dri's touch, shoulders lifting and falling again but not hunching defensively - or at least, no worse than he'd been doing once the conversation started going south. When the bluerider stops behind his seat Kai leans back a touch, eyes drifting off to the middle distance over the Weyrleader's shoulder.

T'rev tosses back the last of his drink and swings his leg over the bench, rising to his feet. "I think that we should go have a chat with Jantha," the Weyrleader continues, voice taking on the firm note of being in charge, "before things get too far out of hand. This is also something that probably doesn't belong out here where anyone wanderin' by can get into it," he continues and the quality of his tone doesn't really brook argument. It's entirely possible that T'rev himself has been pushed too far in the past few months.

So much for a discreet, quiet discussion with Jantha to work out in reasonable fashion how this situation should be handled. Neutral: "As you say, Weyrleader." G'dri will wait for the younger, higher ranking man to lead, though he doesn't trail after but follows with brisk stride barely a step behind and slightly to the side. He doesn't glance back, but a certain blue might be seeking some sunshine for company in a bit.

Nodding politely to Kai: "Kai, good to see you. Mecaith isn't available for flyin' today, but I'm sure he's already let Chielyth know directly," the Weyrleader says as he moves to follow after G'dri with rather a tense set to his shoulder echoed in the tight line of his jaw as he walks along with the weyrlingmaster's assistant in quest of the Weyrlingmaster.

Someone like a certain greenrider, perhaps? "Yes, sir," says Kai, promptly followed up by, "Clear skies," that he twists about in his chair to make sure G'dri catches at least part of that. Otherwise he's going to keep his rump firmly planted until the trouble has well and truly passed by.

!vanissa, *firstday, b'kaiv, !m'try, t'rev, #awlm

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