Vignette: Out of the Hatching Cavern, into the Blizzard

Oct 27, 2009 02:53

When: Late afternoon of day 14, month 1, turn 21, 10th Interval.
What: Inside G'dri and Khameth's heads after the Hatching.

The storm outside just kept getting worse, and G'dri told Khameth to stay on the ledge above the Sands, to not risk himself flying in this. At least he'd be warm, though his rider knew how much he wanted to be down here, with the hatchlings.

:: They are hungry and soon will be tired, and all their world right now is their chosen rider. There is time, Khameth, for you to observe them and get to know them. ::

Even after twenty-three turns -- shells, almost twenty-four, actually -- G'dri could still recall clearly the dazed wonder that was nearly all-consuming after Impression was made, and he channelled that back fondly to his uncharacteristically impatient dragon. It was enough to make Khameth stop thinking like he was barely a turn old again and could do anything, though the old blue extracted the promise that G'dri would share /everything/ with him. How they moved, how they interacted -- with each other and with their lifemates -- what they found interesting.

When he went to peek out at the wall of white that was all that could be seen from the exit to the Bowl, G'dri was privately very glad Khameth was taking such an active interest. He'd /always/ been fascinated by new hatched dragons, but never quite to this degree and G'dri was heartened by the development. He'd been uncertain, how engaging Khameth would find it, though he'd been optimistic. Khameth did so love to observe the world around himself, after all.

Most of the new weyrlings were toppling over into sleep when G'dri went back in to check on them. He ran through each new pair in his head, again, making special note of the honourifics for the boys. Shells they were so little, even those two bruisers Mohraith and Khazioth. And Nilanth....

<< Was I that small? >>

:: Near enough, my love. ::

G'dri's grin flashed again as he picked out two particular greens and he could /feel/ Khameth's chest puff out.

<< Liath... Jheilinth.... >> He would probably watch those two the closest, simply for having the good sense to agree with him about those two girls. G'dri coughed into his hand quietly, stifling his laughter.

He paused briefly to check on the weyrling who'd taken a scratch on the arm, made sure the shallow wound was clean beneath the hasty bandage. Moving on again his gaze drifted across Orisoth, who had looked around at everything with such apparent wonder.

Feeling suddenly drained, G'dri caught Nia's eye briefly and smiled. Then he crossed the cavern to ask a few of the older weyrlings from Peirith and Mecaith's clutch, who were bitching and moaning about being trapped in here due to the weather instead of out enjoying the food, to please keep it down so the new pairs could sleep. Yes, it's frustrating. Yes, we'd all rather be able to move around as we like. No, I don't know whose bright idea it was to isolate the weyrling barracks from the rest of the Weyr.

G'dri had a very faint hope that the storm would blow itself out in the night, but he'd lived at Fort too long to really encourage that feeling. This blizzard, was just getting started. It was an unfortunate beginning, and he hoped they could all keep things calm and managed, lest tempers fray and upset the hatchlings.

!weyrlings, *vignette, *elaruth-mikhuth09, #awlm, ~khameth

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