Vignette: Dropping Kai Outside Fort Sea

Sep 17, 2009 06:05

When: Late late night day 9/early early morning day 10, month 10, turn 20 of Interval 10.

Khameth had touched down with his usual heavy landing, hind legs hitting the ground like it was going to run away from him, in a clearing a few hours out from Fort Sea Hold. G'dri was silent as he'd unhooked the safety lines holding him to the flight straps, heard the clinks and felt the shifts as B'kaiv did the same behind him. He'd unhooked the backpack of belongings and supplies calculated to make it look like the greenrider had been travelling a while, watched pensively as it was shrugged into place over those strong shoulders.

Shoulders that were too young to be accepting this burden, one part of him insisted, had been insisting ever since B'kaiv had asked for his help in caring for Chielyth. That was his fear talking, he knew. B'kaiv was fully an adult and he knew the risks he was taking, had come up with the idea himself so it wasn't like the Weyrwoman and Weyrleader were sending him in blind.

G'dri couldn't help himself. He was fussing like an old auntie and he knew it but he repeated, again, that Kai please be careful and not do anything rash. How the greenrider was managing to keep his patience with him was anyone's guess. But dammit, he really had come to care for the young man and...

He kissed him. He hadn't planned on it; it surprised him as much as it did B'kaiv. He'd put everything he was failing to say adequately into that kiss, and then he'd turned abruptly and swung back up into place on Khameth's back. Hadn't even bothered to hook his straps before giving the blue the signal to take off, take off now.

He fastened the straps while Khameth circled high, waited until B'kaiv had reached the road before pulling up the visual for home and Khameth took them between.

The suggestion of rich green foliage and strange birdsong that was always at the back of his mind strengthened, a soft silver mist rolling forward to soothe him.

<< He will be alright. >>

:: Check on Chielyth, please. ::

!chielyth, *vignette, b'kaiv, @fortsea, ~khameth

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