
Sep 04, 2009 01:11

Who: Fiorella, G'dri
When: It is a summer afternoon, 12:50 of day 26, month 8, turn 20 of Interval 10.
Where: Healer Hall, Fort Area
What: While waiting for his daughter to find a friend, G'dri becomes properly acquainted with Ella.

Early afternoon, somewhere in the middle of the accepted lunch period, and another gorgeous summer day. At least the season is promising to go out on a beautiful note. Outside Healer Hall a blocky, somewhat scarred cobalt blue backwings to a neat landing and holds well still as his rider assists their passenger to the ground. "Go on, love, find your friend. We'll wait out here," the man says, divesting himself of his jacket as the teenaged brunette bobs her head, grins and runs towards the Hall. With an indulgent smile G'dri watches his daughter, then settles into a lean against his dragon's side to wait.

Its in the courtyard of Healer Hall where Fiorella has found herself. Taking advantage of the day one might say, before autumn makes too much of a push and the weather cools considerably more. A dragon landing, even a blue, isn't something nearly as common at hold and hall as it is at weyr and so it is that the girl's gaze is drawn in that direction, feet following shortly. "Healer's greetings," she says brightly, turning a smile up to the rider.

Pushing away from Khameth's shoulder, G'dri returns that smile cheerfully as he bends into a little bow, "And the greetings of Fort Weyr to you, in turn, apprentice." Straightening again, he studies her face, lifts a finger as he asks, "We have met before, correct? Or am I about to discover that my memory is finally failing me?"

Fiorella smiles sunnily, dipping into a shallow curtsey in return to his bow. "You do seem familiar," she agrees, pressing lips together for a moment as she studies his face. "Though being that you're from Fort.. I was there for a few turns. So no, I don't believe memory is failing yet." Even if the name escapes her the recognition is there at least.

G'dri tilts his head, lifting one hand so that previously inquiring finger can tap against his chin thoughtfully. His smile does widen, showing teeth as it turns into a grin. "That, I shall take as a great relief, and continue to deny that I am old." Laughter chases those words as he swings his other hand back to swat Khameth, who's watching everything going on in the courtyard with obvious interest. "I believe perhaps, you may have been assisting when Khameth had to have a sprain looked at, early last turn? For the sake of re-introduction, I am G'dri," as he extends a proper hand for shaking.

The girl grins, a giggle escaping her lips. "Maybe," she agrees, "I did help out at the infirmary most of last turn," turning a better glance towards the blue before her attention refocuses on his rider. "Fiorella, though at the weyr most everyone stuck with Ella," she returns, stretching out a hand to meet his for that shake.

A twinkle enters G'dri's eyes at the sound of her giggle. "A lovely name," he compliments, "Though if you prefer the shorter version?" Curious that. While he does have a care for her smaller hand, he does endeavor to make it a proper shake. "And now you are an apprentice, so I am going to assume you enjoyed your work there. How long since you took the knot?"

"Either is fine," Fiorella assures, hands returning to be clasped loosely in front of her once that handshake has been completed. "I am and I did," she agrees with a nod that goes to adding extra confirmation to the simple reply. "Only.." a short pause in which to consider the date, "Just shy of two month now."

G'dri nods, settling back into his lean against Khameth. While he does send a glance past her towards the doors to the Hall, there is no impatience in his attitude, and once he fails to see his daughter returning, his attention shifts readily back towards the girl. "And are you enjoying the learning here? It can be quite different, the change from a soley practical environment to one that involves as much or more book work."

"Its.. work," Fiorella settles on the word as her answer after turning a glance over her shoulder. "I've been learning quite a lot though, its really very interesting. I do miss the weyr sometimes though... I'm not keeping you from anything am I?" she doesn't quite finish her own thought before the question is posed.

G'dri's smile curves again, "Mmn, yes. But, learning is often such, even when you enjoy that which you study. And at least, the Weyr is not so very far?" A gentle prompt for the rest of that thought. He shakes his head, "No, quite the opposite, you are providing a pleasant distraction with which to pass the time. My daughter will return with her friend in tow in her own good time, I am sure, so until then we have nothing better to do than wait and observe."

Fiorella nods just once given that explanation. She wouldn't want to be keeping him after all. "No.. Its not so far," she agrees of the weyr's location. "I did manage to get back once for a visit already, and I have gotten a number of visits here too."

Finding his pockets, sliding his hands within them, somehow G'dri still manages to keep his attention focused on Fiorella even as he tips his head back a bit to enjoy the summer sunshine. "That always helps, receiving visitors. Friends and.. family?.. from the Weyr?"

Fiorella nods, "It does, but some of them were just deliveries so I don't know that they'll come again." At least not anytime soon. "But T'rev has stopped by a few times already. And Leoren even came once, my brother," she clarifies, "Though he's not from the weyr."

"Sometimes it is not the frequency of the visits, but the quality of them. I have many memories of interesting people who were only encountered once in my life and then never seen again." G'dri's smile makes another appearance. "Ah, so you are acquainted with our young Weyrleader." Pause. "Would you be...? I have heard mention, that he has a foster daughter. And where is your brother from, if I might enquire?"

Fiorella considers that for a second, "I suppose you're right," she agrees. Her smile brightens at that half asked question and she nods a tad enthusiastically. "I am, and for my brother, Leoren and I are from Four Sons Hold. He inherited after our father passed." Which goes to say without actually being said that's Lord of the minor hold.

Smile becomes a full grin for Ella's enthusiasm, G'dri tipping his head back down to look at her fully once again. Without apparent qualm for saying so to a daughter of the Hold, though perhaps it's because he intends it as a compliment and it's obviously such, "He has made an admirable change in its reputation, by all reports. Do you foresee yourself returning there, when your training has reached such extent that you are ready for posting?"

Fiorella hesitates a second before she nods in reply to those words. "I'm sure he would be glad to hear such," its a carefully worded response. The question though has her thinking a moment longer. "I haven't spent that much thought on it as of yet, but it is a possibility."

G'dri's eyebrows twitch a little, and once again he pushes away from Khameth to offer a little bow. This one though, is of apology, in responce to that careful wording. Even his blue turns his attention more focused onto Ella in responce to his rider, for that small span of time. Changing the subject entire, "What was it drew you to healing?"

Fiorella lifts a shoulder in a slight shrug. "I'm not exactly sure really," she replies. "I wasn't so good with sewing and things like my sister. I tried baking and I liked it alright, but I wasn't sure if that's what I really wanted to do. Then one day I was talking to one of the healers and thought it might not be so bad, so gave it a try helping out for chores at the weyr." And here she is.

G'dri listens attentively, and it's not long before he's smiling again. "Sometimes, that is how it happens. Some people seem to be born with a passion, that presents early and once discovered then drives them along their others. Others, and this was the case with myself as well, must drift a little before finding the current within they are comfortable to swim. Of course, even then, things unexpected can find you following a new course." No matter how many turns pass since Impression, it seems that goofy fondness never fades for some riders. Khameth curves his tail, thumps it once against the ground before settling again.

"Like riders," Fiorella fills in the obvious blank in that commentary. "Well, before I arrived at the weyr its not as if I was exactly expected to have any plans for a craft." being a holder's daughter and only nine at the time. "What was it that you did before you impressed?" she goes on to ask out of curiosity.

"Like riders," G'dri echoes in amused agreement. "Were you not? Hm, I guess it depends on each family. Some Holders do encourage their younger children to learn a Craft, with the idea being that they can then return home to practice. With the family obligation, it is a more economical course." Another brief glance towards the Hall, just to check. "I was an apprentice Smithcrafter. I was learning the finer art of jewelry making and gemcutting."

Fiorella shakes her head, "I had only just turned nine when I came to the weyr though," she explains. "So maybe they would have, Leoren was okay with me wanting to be a healer though so.." Maybe. "Really?" she inquires of his chosen craft. "Do you ever still work at it?"

G'dri nods for that information, thoughtful but not making further comment on it. Maybe, just about sums it up for him, too. Chuckling, "Really. I am originally from Lemos, and it was originally decided that I could make myself useful by learning to cut the jade from the mines there. But upon entering the Craft..." He spreads his hands. "Jade is a difficult stone to work with, and I had not the aptitude for it. I do, yes. Quite often, actually, since the Interval began. Save for..." That. He shakes his head a bit, then looks up suddenly right before a feminine voice calls out, "Sorry to keep you waiting, Papa!" His daughter, finally returning, with a tall skinny red-head in tow, carrying a bag large enough that it seems she means to be going away for a while. "Ah, if you will excuse me, Fiorella. It has been very enjoyable speaking with you, and I should hope to do so again, in the future." And again, the man bows to her, before turning assist the girls, wave off apologies, and once everyone's all loaded up and secure, Khameth spreads his wings to launch them up powerfully into the air for several beats and then disappears.

Fiorella ahs and nods, "It was nice catching up with you as well," she agrees. "I should probably be heading back anyway. Lunch is about over by now I'm sure." And there are more lessons to attend.

fiorella, @healerhall, ~khameth

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